The HTTP Deprecation response header field can be used to signal to consumers of an URI-identified resource that the use of the resource has been deprecated. Additionally, the deprecation link relation can be used to link to a resource that provides additional context for the deprecation, and possibly ways in which clients can find a replacement for the deprecated resource.
The latest published draft can always be found on the IETF site.
If the draft you want to make a comment on specifies an e-mail list for feedback, please use this address. Usually, it's in the abstract.
Otherwise, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.
If you want to submit a pull request against the draft, modify
only. We use kramdown-rfc2629 to verify the content and generate markdown, plain text, and XML versions.
Then use xml2rfc to generate .html, .pdf, etc. to see results of your work.
xml2rfc draft.xml —html