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sample project building an api using flask and python

Build Status

Build Status


This project is made for anyone who is looking for an example of how to create a rest endpoint using Python and Flask.

This service calls a local sqlite database. Please see databases directory for more details.

This projet was written using PyCharm Community Edition.

Installing Project Dependencies

This project uses Pipenv for virtual environment management.

If you are on MacOS you can install the dependency using homebrew:

brew install pipenv

Next run the following command to install the dependencies on your local computer:

pipenv install

Running the application

After you have performed all the dependency installations from above, you can run the following command on your terminal to start this app.

From the root of this project enter the following terminal command:

pipenv run python

Or you can also start the application using PyCharm.

Project Database

This project uses a local sqlite for a repository.


This project contains a swagger ui.

For more information regarding swagger. Click here.

For more information regarding connexion. Click here.

To view this api's swagger ui, run this application, then navigate to [http://localhost:5000/ui/]

You can test out this api entirely from the swagger ui page.

This app is also deployed using heroku. To view deployed api swagger navigate to []

Rest Api

Users Api

GET - getAll: users/v1

GET - getByUsername: users/v1/darth

PUT - updateUserEmail: users/v1/darth + include a json body with new email.

DELETE - deleteUsername: users/v1/darth

Users Api - deployed on heroku

GET - getAll: users/v1

GET - getByUsername: users/v1/darth

PUT - updateUserEmail: users/v1/darth + include a json body with new email.

DELETE - deleteUsername: users/v1/darth

Locations Api

GET - getAll: locations/v1

GET - getByState: locations/v1/ca

PUT - updateCapital: locations/v1/ca + include a json body with new capital.

DELETE - deleteLocation: locations/v1/ca

Locations Api - deployed on heroku

GET - getAll: locations/v1

GET - getByState: locations/v1/ca

PUT - updateCapital: locations/v1/ca + include a json body with new capital.

DELETE - deleteLocation: locations/v1/ca

TDD - Integration Tests

This api is fully tested with Unit Tests and Integration tests. Please see tests directory for examples.

Tests connect to test.db for integration tests.

Flask Project

This project is a Flask project. For more information click here


This application can be run in Docker. Please see Dockerfile for image setup. Steps to create an image & how to run the app in a container list below. (must have docker installed)

Create a docker image: docker build -t flask-api .

Run docker container: docker run -it -p 5000:5000 flask-api

*** Once app has started, view the swagger ui by navigating to [http://localhost:5000/ui/] ***

View docker images: docker images

View docker containers: docker ps -a

Remove docker images: docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Remove docker containers: docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Click here for more information regarding docker

* Note: this flask app by default runs as a development server, not meant for production. Docker & gunicorn is used to productionize this app. This docker container runs as as a production WSGI server, with 4 workers via gunicorn. *

Continuous Integration(CI)

A web hook has been setup with Travis CI for all Push and Pull Requests.

A web hook has also been setup with Github Actions for all Push and Pull Requests.

Continuous Deployment(CD)

This app is setup to deploy via heroku after a successful CI.

To view deployed api swagger click here

Questions / Contact / Contribute

Feel free to fork this repo, add to it, and create a pull request if you like to contribute.

If you have any questions, you can contact me via email: [email protected]