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Example project using Spring Boot framework to create a web api service.
This project is made for anyone who is looking for an example of how to create a rest endpoint using Java Spring.
This service calls a mongodb repository, and also makes a rest call to an outside api and aggregates the information into a country object.
This projet was written using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.
This project uses MongoDB for a repository. In order to run this project locally, you will need to first install and execute a local instance of MongoDB.
Information on how to install and setup MongoDB: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/
brew services start mongodb
brew services stop mongodb
GET - getAll : localhost:8080/countries/v1/
GET - getByIso2: localhost:8080/countries/v1/hk
PUT - updatePopulation: localhost:8080/countries/v1/hk + include a json body with new population.
json body needed for the PUT:
{ "name": "Hong Kong", "iso_2": "HK", "iso_3": "HKG", "population": 1000000, "capital": "Hong Kong" }
This project calls an external api to get iso_3 and name information.
This project is a Maven project.
./mvnw clean
./mvnw install -DskipTests
A web hook has been setup with Travis CI for all Push and Pull Requests.
Feel free to fork this repo, add to it, and create a pull request if you like to contribute.
If you have any questions, you can contact me via email: [email protected]