This web application is a full-stack solution that combines a React-based frontend with a Node.js backend.
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, providing a component-based architecture that simplifies the development of interactive and dynamic UIs.
- Version: v 18.2.0
- Node Version: v 20.10.0
Redux: A state management library that helps manage the global state of the application, making it easier to handle data flow and state changes.
Node.js: This is a simple REST API built using Express.js and PostgreSQL for managing users. The API supports creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting user information.
Version: node version v20.10.0
Follow these steps to initialize the Jobs project:
Clone the Repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd user-management
Create a .env File: Create a .env file in the project root and configure the necessary environment variables.
For installing the frontend packages
cd frontend
npm i
Create a PostgreSQL database and a user with the necessary permissions. Update the database configuration in your application.
Example configuration in .env.development
REACT_APP_API_URL = http://localhost:3002
For installing the backend packages
cd backend
npm i
Create a PostgreSQL database and a user with the necessary permissions. Update the database configuration in your application.
Example configuration in .env
PORT = 3002
Start the React Development Server:
cd frontend npm start
This command initiates the development server, making the frontend accessible at
Run the Node.js Backend Server:
cd backend npm start
The Node.js server starts and listens on port 3002 by default. The API and backend functionalities are now accessible at