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Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Oct 1, 2021 · 1 revision

1984 (Dystopian Novel)

This article is about the Dystopian novel. There is no year article associated with 1984 on this Wiki.

The above image is the cover of the first edition book Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

Nineteen Eighty Four is a Dystopian Novel by English Novelist George Orwell. It is his most well known books, and covers the topic of the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and a repressive regime (brutal, all power regime)

In Nineteen Eighty Four, the world is split into 3 territories, Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Citizens of Oceania are constantly monitored by the leader of Oceania, who is commonly known as Big Brother, and is always watching. Every daily activity is controlled by the regime, and knowledge that is critical of the Ingsoc party is taken and destroyed. All history of the person who created it is erased from the memory of everybody.

Big brother is watching you.

Every person in Oceania has a government mandated session, known as the 2 minutes of hate, where they are gathered in a room, and are shown atrocities of Eurasia and Eastasia, and the citizens are required to be hateful for 2 minutes out of their days.

Love is forbidden in the regime. The storys protagonist Winston Smith secretly defies the government and keeps a diary hidden behind a brick in his apartment. He has to hide from his Telescreen and write entries. He later sneaks out into the forbidden zone with a loved one.

The thought police are prominent in Nineteen Eighty Four and are tasked with controlling what people think. Newspeak is the language of the top government, and knowledge is altered, so that terms like 2+2=5 are created.

In popular culture

1984 is commonly referenced to show similarities between real life governments going totalitarian/authoritarian, along with companies like Google doing the same.

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