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Christoph Pomaska edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 16 revisions


Hardware needed:

  • A Lenovo Thinkpad T430 mainboard or at least the BIOS chips of/for it
  • A device that is able to flash SPI chips, such as:
    • A Raspberry Pi type B (Rev is not relevant, as long as it has GPIO pins) with an SDcard, display and keyboard OR
    • an STM32 devboard such as the "bluepill" or a "maple mini" flashed with STM32-vserprog OR
    • a Ch341a spi programmer (WARNING! Be aware that some of the devices are configured to run with 5V and will send 5V to your SPI chip FRYING IT!!)
  • A SOIC8 chip clamp (I personally recommend the variant from Pomona as they are kinda enduring and hold on to the chip quite well)
  • 7 (I recommend 8) Female-Female Jumper wires



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