For Javascript
Easy to install:
npm install @sentclose/sentc
yarn add @sentclose/sentc
Easy to use, installed or in the browser:
import Sentc from "@sentclose/sentc";
//init the javascript client
await Sentc.init({
app_token: "5zMb6zs3dEM62n+FxjBilFPp+j9e7YUFA+7pi6Hi" // <-- your app token
//register a user
await Sentc.register("username", "password");
//login a user
const user = await Sentc.login("username", "password");
//create a group
const group_id = await user.createGroup();
//load a group. returned a group obj for every user.
const group = await user.getGroup(group_id);
//encrypt a string for the group
const encrypted_string = await group.encryptString("hello there!");
//now every user in the group can decrypt the string
const decrypted_string = await group.decryptString(encrypted_string);
console.log(decrypted_string); //hello there!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sentc example</title>
<script src=""></script>
//init the wasm
const sentc = window.Sentc.default;
async function run() {
//use your public token as the app token.
// if a user is already logged in, this function will return the logged-in user
await sentc.init({
app_token: "5zMb6zs3dEM62n+FxjBilFPp+j9e7YUFA+7pi6Hi"
//now you are ready to go
//register a user:
await sentc.register("username", "password");
//log in a user
const user = await sentc.login("username", "password");
//create a group
const group_id = await user.createGroup();
//load a group. returned a group obj for every user.
const group = await user.getGroup(group_id);
//encrypt a string for the group
const encrypted_string = await group.encryptString("hello there!");
//now every user in the group can decrypt the string
const decrypted_string = await group.decryptString(encrypted_string);
console.log(decrypted_string); //hello there!
For Flutter
Easy to install:
flutter pub add sentc
Easy to use:
demo() async {
//init the client
await Sentc.init(appToken: "5zMb6zs3dEM62n+FxjBilFPp+j9e7YUFA+7pi6Hi");
//register a user
await Sentc.register("userIdentifier", "password");
//log in a user
final user = await Sentc.login("userIdentifier", "password");
//create a group
final groupId = await user.createGroup();
//load a group. returned a group obj for every user.
final group = await user.getGroup(groupId);
//invite another user to the group. Not here in the example because we only got one user so far
// await group.inviteAuto("other user id");
//encrypt a string for the group
final encrypted = await group.encryptString("hello there!");
//now every user in the group can decrypt the string
final decrypted = await group.decryptString(encrypted);
print(decrypted); //hello there!
//delete a group
await group.deleteGroup();
//delete a user
await user.deleteUser("password");
The protocol is designed for async long-running communication between groups.
- A group member should be able to decrypt the whole communication even if they joined years after the beginning.
- Group member should get decrypt all messages even if they were offline for years.
The both requirements make perfect forward secrecy impossible. See more at the Protocol how we solved it.