High-performance command-line utility to query the Windows event logs, locally or remotely.
EventLogReader, Version 2.0.00, Displays Windows event log content
on Microsoft Windows 2008 and above
EventLogReader -help
EventLogReader -version
EventLogReader [<host>] [-u <username> -p <password>] -ListEventLogs
EventLogReader [<host>:]<log> [-u <username> -p <password>]
-Report <date> <time>
-Howmany <from> <to> [<criteria>]
-Dump <from> <to> [<criteria>]
-CompleteDump <from> <to> [<criteria>]
Where: <host> is optional remote host name
<username> is the optional login username for the remote host
<password> is the optional login password for the remote host
<log> is the name of the event log: system|security|application
<date> is the starting date to be searched from in YYYY-MM-DD format
<time> is the starting time to be searched from in HH:MM:SS format
<from> is the starting event record number or 'oldest'
<to> is the ending event record number or 'newest'
<criteria> is optional criteria to be used for filtering the events
supports: sourcename=<source name> category=<category>
id=<event ID> level=<event level> computer=<computername>
user=<username> domain=<domainname>
-help displays this usage information
-version reports the version details of this executable
-ListEventLogs lists all registered event logs on the host
-ListEventLogProviders lists all registered event providers for the log
-GetNewestEventRecordNumber reports the newest event record number
-GetOldestEventRecordNumber reports the oldes event record number
-Report produces a pipe (|) delimited event report showing:
RecordNumber, TimeGenerated, ComputerName, Provider,
EventID, EventLevel & Message
-HowMany reports number of matching events found
-Dump produces a semicolon delimited report containing:
RecordNumber, TimeGenerated, EventID, EventLevel,
Provider, ComputerName, User, Domain & InsertionStrings
-CompleteDump produces a semicolon delimited report containing:
RecordNumber, TimeGenerated, EventID, EventLevel,
Provider, ComputerName, User, Domain & Message
To buils locally, you will need the Microsoft's Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022, with all C/C++ libraries and the Windows SDK.
You will need to run vsdevcmd
to setup your build environment before you can compile this project, like in the example below:
"c:\\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat
Then, run the below command at the root of the repository to build the project:
msbuild /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release .
This will produce one EventLogReader.exe
artifact in the ./Release
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