QPage or QuickPage is a Free Project For Creating Academic Homepage Without Any Code We developed QPage on Windows but it also run in Linux and Mac-OSX. QPage is written in Python3, in order to run it, you will need a python interpereter.
Download And Install Last Version Of Python ( * or use exe folder and skip this step * )
Download QPage
Just Unzip It !
- Check Python Packaging User Guide
pip install qpage
You can download samples and run in test mode (*Optional)
Put your profile picture in image folder (jpg , bmp , tiff , gif , png)
Put each page details in a text file with page name in doc folder (* In this step you can use [M] , [S] or [L] at the start and [center] at the end of each line to control font size and alignment )
Put your resume file (pdf format) in doc folder
Put your font file in font folder (*Optional)
Put your icon file in image folder (*Optional) suggested site
Enter your name
Choose your profile image size
Choose your text and background color
You can preview your webpage
Finished!!! Now you can go and upload output folder contains directly in your host
- Homepage : Link
- PyPI : Link
- Staticgen : Link
- SourceForge : Link
- OpenHub : Link
- Coverage Report : Link
- Code Documents: Link
Just fill an issue and describe it. I'll check it ASAP! or send an email to [email protected].
- Items
- Font
- Icon
- In-Text Link
- In-Text Pic
- Meta-Tags
- Inline Markup
- FTP-Uploader
- Template Gen
- Javascript
- Mobile View
You can fork the repository, improve or fix some part of it and then send the pull requests back if you want to see them here. I really appreciate that. β€οΈ
Remember to write a few tests for your code before sending pull requests.
- Statick Multi-purpose static web site generator aimed at developers
- Jekyll Transform plain text into static websites and blogs.
- Hugo A Fast and Modern Static Web Engine
- Jemdoc Light text markup for creating websites
If you use QPage for your project homepage or something like this , please cite this ;-)
Sepand Haghighi, & Mohammad Mahdi Rahimi. (2017, January 31). QPage - Free Project For Creating Academic Homepage Without Any Code. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.265544
Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of π»!