Releases: seppukudevelopment/seppuku
New Modules
- NoPacket
- NoEffects
- Bridge
- AutoFarm
Feature Updates
Arraylist now has options for Lowercase and ShowMetadata
--- Lowercase: makes the enabled mods list appear fully lowercase
--- ShowMetadata: shows the metadata or 'suffix' of the module in the list -
NoLag has many new options! You can now disable the rendering of the following:
--- Items
--- Sky
--- Names
--- Withers
--- WitherSkulls
--- Crystals
--- TNT -
NoDesync now has an option for syncing up destroyed blocks: DestroyedBlocks
ElytraFly now has an option for setting the auto-start delay: AutoStartDelay
Added RespawnEntity option to EntityDesync
Added a pig latin chat mode to ChatMutator: PIGLATIN
Added baritone command support to AutoWalk
Added missing aliases for modules & values
Added missing descriptions
Fixes Nuker bugs
Fixes AutoMount bugs
Fixes HotBarRefill kicks by setting default delay higher
Fixes AutoTool bugs by having Silent off by default
Many small bug fixes from 3.1
API Updates
- Added ColorComponent
- Added EntityUtil
- Updated TextComponent
Latest Updates
New Modules
- AutoMount
- NameAlert
- EntityDesync
- Crosshair
Feature Updates
- Huge update!
- Hud Editor re-vamp, you can right click to edit module values in the hud now!
- Rainbow! Type ".hud rainbow" in chat to make those enabled mods sexy again. (fully customizable!)
- Tooltips added across the hud editor
- Draggable hud elements now draw borders on interaction
- Nether Coords now display green when in the nether, indicating overworld position.
- ChatFilter now has a "death" option for filtering out death messages client-side.
- Projectiles have an alpha option now.
- Portal Finder now has an option to draw the tracer-line or not.
- Module lists now separate on first launch, no more overlapping panels all the time!
- Better username regex across the client, no more buggy AutoIgnore!
- Tooltips will always stay within screen boundaries
- Major bug fixes and optimizations
- Many other unlisted module updates...
- "Lock" any hud component with middle click, when enabled
--- the component won't be affected by resizing the game
API Updates
- Added EventSaveConfig
- Added EventLoadConfig
- Added EventHubComponentClick
- Added EventRenderCrosshairs
- Added new patch for rendering in-game crosshair
- Added ButtonComponent
- Added TextComponent
- Added ToolTipComponent
- Added ColorComponent(unfinished)
- RenderUtil has a couple new draw functions
- Removed JoinDateCommand(due to captcha)
- HudConfig updated
- All System.out.println calls removed, replaced with proper a logger
- No longer changes game title to "Seppuku 1.12.2"
- Velocity had two values renamed:
---- "Horizontal_Velocity" & "Vertical_Velocity" to "Horizontal" & "Vertical"
- Capes fixed
- More scrollbar features
- UI highlights
- Fixes major module naming bug
- New placeholders for many hud components
- Renamed ArraylistComponent to EnabledModsComponent
- Renamed "THREE_DIMENSIONAL/TWO_DIMENSIONAL" to "THREE_D/TWO_D" in multiple modules
- Added TotemNotifierModule "Notifies you when others pop totems." [@jvyden420]
- Added MiddleClickPearlModule "Throws a pearl if you middle-click pointing in mid-air" [@jvyden420]
- New Nuker values [@jvyden420]:
-- 'fixed', toggle on to use vertical and horizontal distances in blocks instead of distances relative to the camera.
-- 'vdist' to change the maximum vertical distance in blocks the nuker will reach.
-- 'hdist' to change the maximum horizontal distance in blocks the nuker will reach. - ArrayList module moved to appropriate category with updated description
- Many Nocrystal updates by [@jvyden420] see commits for more info.
- Velocity module code cleanup
- Unused imports removed in multiple places
- Added popup for first launch users guiding them on how to open the gui
- Added QuickCraft module (@Old-Chum)
- ChestAlert module replaced with new StorageAlert module (@casKd-dev)
- Improved scaffold logic (@casKd-dev)
- ElytraFly now disables NoHunger due to potential fall damage (@casKd-dev)
- ElytraFly now has a new mode: control
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't use ESC in the HudEditor GUI (@Rigamortis)
- Fixed lots of bugs with cameras, RenderGlobalPatch, New events [see below] (@Rigamortis)
- Values no longer clamp, Fixed gl bug with cameras (@Rigamortis)
- Changed the PatchManager to update automatically (@ethug)
- General optimization & bug fixes
New events:
- EventFovModifier
- EventRenderEntityOutlines
- EventRenderBlockDamage
- EventRenderSky
Added missing descriptions
Added HoleOverlay hud component
Added OverView/MiniMap hud component
Added RearView hud component
Added HotBarRefill module
Added CalcStronghold command
Projectiles now has color and width options ("red", "green", "blue", "width")
Velocity now has an option for cancelling fishing-bobber motion ("bobbers")
Freecam stops all player motion when disabling the module
ShulkerPreview has new middle click to peek option ("middleclick")
PullDown highly optimized
Hud Editor hub, and all module list components are now resizable
Hud Editor tool-tips ("tooltips")
Hud component automatic anchor clamping threshold lowered
Hud component width and height now saved and loaded in config
Many bug fixes!
! breaks old configs
! breaks old external modules
Configs and client data are now stored under the Minecraft directory in the folder 'Seppuku'
This means you will need to move all external modules to the new directory under Modules