Bichrom provides a framework for modeling, interpreting, and visualizing the joint sequence and chromatin landscapes that determine TF-DNA binding dynamics.
Bichrom-Regression borrowed the project framework from original Bichrom, but working towards a diffferent direction, the purpose is to predict TF binding strength (aka. read counts).
This work is still under construction
Srivastava, D., Aydin, B., Mazzoni, E.O. et al. An interpretable bimodal neural network characterizes the sequence and preexisting chromatin predictors of induced transcription factor binding. Genome Biol 22, 20 (2021).
We suggest using anaconda to create a virtual environment using the provided YAML configuration file:
conda env create -f bichrom.yml -n <env_name>
Enter the created environment, then install NVIDIA DALI by:
python -m pip install --extra-index-url --upgrade nvidia-dali-cuda110
Clone and navigate to the Bichrom repository.
# Activate conda environment
source activate bichrom
cd construct data
usage: [-h] -info INFO -fa FA -blacklist BLACKLIST -len LEN
-acc_domains ACC_DOMAINS -chromtracks CHROMTRACKS
Construct Training Data For Bichrom
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-info INFO Genome sizes file
-fa FA The fasta file for the genome of interest
-blacklist BLACKLIST Blacklist file for the genome of interest
-len LEN Size of training, test and validation windows
-acc_domains ACC_DOMAINS
Bed file with accessible domains
A list of BigWig files for all input chromatin
-peaks PEAKS A ChIP-seq or ChIP-exo peak file in multiGPS file
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Output directory for storing train, test data
-p PROCESSORS Number of processors
-val_chroms CHROMOSOME
Space-delimited chromosome names would be used as validation dataset
-test_chroms CHROMOSOME
Space-delimited chromosome names would be used as test dataset
Required Arguments
This is a standard genome sizes file, recording the size of each chromosome. It contains 2 tab-separated columns containing the chromosome name and chromosome size.
For an example file, please see: sample_data/
Genome sizes files are typically available from the UCSC Genome Browser (
This is a fasta file from which train, test and validation data should be constructed.
Length of training, test and validation windows. (Recommended=500)
A BED file containing accessibility domains in the cell-type of interest. This will be used for sampling regions from accessible chromatin when constructing the Bichrom training data.
For an example file, please see: sample_data/mES_atacseq_domains.bed
One or more BigWig files containing histone ChIP-seq or ATAC-seq data.
ChIP-seq or ChIP-exo TF peaks in the multiGPS file format. Each peak is represented as chromosome:midpoint.
For an example file, please see: sample_data/
The number of bins to use for binning the chromatin data. (Recommended=10-20. Note that with an increase in resolution and nbins (or decrease in bin size), the memory requirements will increase.)
Output directory for storing output train, test and validation datasets.
blacklist (optional):
A blacklist BED file, with artifactual regions to be excluded from the training.
For an example file, please see: sample_data/mm10_blacklist.bed
p (optional):
Number of processors, default is 1.
It is suggested to provide more cores to speed up training sample preparation will produce train, test and validation datasets in the specified output directory. This function will also produce a configuration file called bichrom.yaml, which can be used as input to run Bichrom. This configuration file stores the paths to the created train, test and validation datasets.
Model training integrates Pytorch Lightning CLI interface
To view help:
python trainNN/ -h
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG]
[--print_config [={comments,skip_null,skip_default}+]]
{fit,validate,test,predict,tune} ...
pytorch-lightning trainer command line tool
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to a configuration file in json or
yaml format.
--print_config [={comments,skip_null,skip_default}+]
Print configuration and exit.
For more details of each subcommand add it as argument
followed by --help.
fit Runs the full optimization routine.
validate Perform one evaluation epoch over the
validation set.
test Perform one evaluation epoch over the
test set.
predict Run inference on your data.
tune Runs routines to tune hyperparameters
before training.
Required Arguments:
This is not required, but for consistency and reproducibility, it's highly suggested tuning the parameters in config.yaml
file, then provide it to the training script. Things you might want to modify include:
- trainer.logger.save_dir/trainer.logger.version: where tensorboard logger, checkpoint and config will be stored
- trainer.nodes/trainer.gpus/trainer.strategy: adjust these parameters to fit your machine capacity
- trainer.precision: use 16 if you want to use half-precision training, this is not default cuz half-precision training could fail sometimes
- Adam optimizer hyperparameters
Pick the model you would like to train, currently there are mainly two model architectures available: [Bichrom, BichromConvDilated], hyperparameters that can be tuned for each model are:
Bichrom: data_config(Required), batch_size=512, conv1d_filter=256, lstm_out=32, num_dense=1, seqonly=false
BichromConvDilated: data_config(Required), batch_size=512, conv1d_filter=256, num_dilated=9, seqonly=false
To specify the model and corresponding hyperparameters, add arguments in the following way:
python trainNN/ fit --model Bichrom --model.data_config bichrom.yml --model.batch_size 256 --model.conv1d_filter=128 --model.seqonly=true
python trainNN/ fit --config config.yaml --model Bichrom --model.batch_size 256 --model.conv1d_filter=128 --model.seqonly=true --data.data_config bichrom_out/test1/step1_output/bichrom.yaml
Outputs will be stored under the folder specified by trainer.logger.save_dir
, which would be lightning_logs/version_0
(described in config.yaml
) in this example
Supply the config file and the checkpoint in the output directory of model training to test
command, as example:
python trainNN/ test --config lightning_logs/version_1/config.yaml --ckpt_path lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=11-step=48.ckpt
--trainer.logger TensorBoardLogger --trainer.logger.save_dir test_logs/
Outputs will be stored under the folder specified by trainer.logger.save_dir
, which would be test_logs/version_0
in this example
To visualize the metrics, lauch a tensorboard session on the output directory of train/test step
tensorboard serve --logdir /path/to/output/dir/
To use the trained model for prediction on new data, supply the config file and checkpoint in the output directory of model training as did for test step, one additional thing to provide is the bed file (--data.pred_bed
) describing the regions you want to predict on.
Requirements of bed file columns:
- chrom
- start
- end
- name (set as "." if you don't have this info)
- score (set as "." if you don't have this info)
- strand (set as "." if you don't have this info)
use model in the following way:
python trainNN/ predict --config lightning_logs/version_1/config.yaml --ckpt_path test/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=11-step=48.ckpt
--trainer.logger TensorBoardLogger --trainer.logger.save_dir predict_logs/ --data.pred_bed bichrom_out/test1/step1_output/data_test.bed --data.num_workers 16
The prediction model_pred.txt
will be saved under predict_logs/version_0
according to your machine capacity (number of processors) to improve performance