I have built a simple class in python to capture http and https traffic with Selenium and Browsermob proxy.
I develop in mac, if you develop in linux or windows you will have to replace the geckodriver with the one appropriate for your system. You can download from (https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases). You must have java(jdk) installed to be able to use it from the command line.
All the necesary libraries for run the project are in the requirements.txt.
There is a simple practical example in capture_example.py.
from capturetraffic import CaptureTraffic
sniffer = CaptureTraffic()
data = sniffer.capture_traffic(self, url, wait_time = 30, save = False, save_path = 'data/xhr_re.json')
Inside entries there is an array with the requests and its responses.
"log": {
"version": "1.2",
"creator": {
"name": "BrowserMob Proxy",
"version": "2.1.4",
"comment": ""
"pages": [
"id": "Page 0",
"startedDateTime": "2018-08-29T21:24:10.862+02:00",
"title": "Page 0",
"pageTimings": {
"comment": ""
"comment": ""
"entries": []