Python cli that reads a norma43
file and transforms it to another format.
The current options are:
- Append to a google spreadsheet
- Transform to CSV (not yet implemented)
From PIP:
pip install norma43utils
Then, create a OAUTH2 client credentials file credentials.json
to use the google API from there:
Copy the credentials file to the following file path:
mkdir -p $HOME/.norma43togooglespreadsheet/google/ && cp credentials.json $HOME/.norma43togooglespreadsheet/google/
The PIP package creates and executable that is included in you path. Just use the CLI
usage: norma43utils [-h] input {google} output {EN,ES}
Reads a norma43 formatted document, converts it and uploads it to Google
positional arguments:
input norma43 input file path
{google} Format to output the result
output Google spreadsheet document id
{EN,ES} Date format (EN/ES)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
For instance: norma43utils movements.n43 google document_id EN