- Sergio Kevin MORALES VILLARROEL (https://github.com/sergioKmoralesV)
- Isaac GUILLERMO GONZALES VIZCARRA (https://github.com/Isaacgv)
- Anthony SIAMPIRINGUE (https://github.com/Anthony-Si)
The main goal of the project was to have a twitter clone based on Ethereum's smart contracts architecture.
The creation|modification|deletion of tweets are stored in the blockchain.
The project has been divided in 2 parts:
- The client, which has been implemented in React.js, is in charge of rendering the UI and querying the API endpoints.
- The server, which contains the Solidity contract, is based on hardhat. The smart contract is hosted on alchemy as an API.
In order to fully run the application, we need the following elements:
- A Metamask wallet with funds (you can charge here for Rinkeby,for Goerli and here for Kovan) in the given test network.
- An Alchemy account and containing a configured API which contains the server code.
- Hardhat, development environment to compile, deploy and test the smart contracts
- Chai/Mocha, packages to set unit tests on client and server functionalities
- Eslint, open source project for linting Javascript code
- Prettier, to format code
- Solhint, open source project for linting Solidity code
- Openzeppelin/contracts, libraries allowing to build ready to use smarts contracts based on Ethereum or other blockchains
- To define your alchemy app address that will be hosting the server, create a .env file from .env.example
- Command line:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
- Command line:
npm start
- Connect to http://localhost:3000