These instructions specifify how to run Opifex on Deno. To run Opifex on NodeJS see the instructions
Make sure you have Deno installed.
deno run
On the first invocation Deno will download all dependencies. It will then pop the question:
Deno requests net access to ":::1883". Run again with --allow-net to bypass this prompt.
Allow? [y/n (y = yes allow, n = no deny)]
After you select yes
you should have a working MQTT server.
deno run
On the first invocation Deno will download all dependencies. It will then pop the question:
Deno requests net access to "localhost:1883". Run again with --allow-net to bypass this prompt.
Allow? [y/n (y = yes allow, n = no deny)]
If you want to use Deno locally then clone the repository, e.g. using:
git clone
and then use:
deno run -A bin/demoServer.ts
deno run -A bin/mqtt.ts
Opifex is also available on
This folder also contains code to run the server using Deno sockets instead of NodeJS sockets. You can modify the import statements in the demoServer/client to use these instead.