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steadfasterX edited this page Jan 14, 2025 · 22 revisions


The following packages are needed on your build system (where extendrom will run):

  • git
  • curl
  • python v3
  • python v3 requests module (e.g: sudo python3 -m pip install requests)


create .repo/local_manifest/extendrom.xml and add:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

     <!-- extendrom -->
     <remote name="sfX" fetch="" />
     <project path="vendor/extendrom" name="android_vendor_extendrom" remote="sfX" revision="main" />


Now sync this repo with e.g: repo sync -j4 vendor/extendrom (this will happen automatically during a normal repo sync as well as long as you keep it in your local manifests).

activate and configure

add the following in your device/<vendor>/<model>/ (or any other existing device mk file):

# Enable extendrom
$(call inherit-product, vendor/extendrom/config/

add the following section to your device/<vendor>/<model>/

################## extendrom section ##################
# when using "EXTENDROM_PACKAGES" ensure you use quotes


export <add-any-EXTENDROM-flag>=<EXTENDROM-flag-value>
# e.g.:
#export EXTENDROM_PACKAGES="F-Droid AuroraStore"


Adding NEW(!) public GPG keys for verifying signatures

extendrom comes with a list of gpg keys which get auto-imported but sometimes you might need to extend that list.

extendrom will then verify signatures (if available) fully automatically for regular F-Droid packages. There is no need to do anything if you do not plan to use other repos for downloading packages.

If you plan to add non-standard repositories though:

You need to know the key id first which you can usually find beneath the package you want to add.
Another option is to find it by searching: gpg --keyserver --search-keys
Of course there are other keyservers if fails for you.

Once you got the id just add it to the variable GPG_KEYS in vendor/extendrom/ (separate by a space from the others).

More information and the current F-Droid fingerprint can be verified here

building / changes in behavior

whenever you change something in device/<vendor>/<model>/ you HAVE TO apply these changes first.

The regular build process should always be like:

source build/
lunch lineage_j5y17lte-user
mka otapackage
# (or mka eos when buildin /e/)

brunch or breakfast will work as well ofc