a minimal "at-a-glance" pomodoro timer with sound alert on completion
We are Samaurai. The Keyboard Cowboys. - Eugene "The Plague" Belford
1.1 added breaks! Now when an interval completes you will be pathed to the break view where you can start a break timer
pre 1.1 features interval timer with configuration background color random selector lock GUI from interactions and make draggable Re-sizeable (with minimum size restrictions)
Open the app you will see:
Click on it to start the timer:
go do stuff, in other windows, switch back to t1m3box and get information about your timer via how much color is left in the box and the timer text will appear if you continue to keep the window in focus
Space will pause the interval.
Space will resume the interval.
You can configure wait or find it (select background, set interval length):
There will be Keyboard Shortcuts (🚧 PLANNED #2)
The configuration will be more robust (🚧 PLANNED #1)
Slack Integration (🚧 PLANNED #3)