Download the data from this link to a folder https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip
Create folder c:/temp in your hard drive.
Unzip the file to c:/temp. A folder Named 'UCI HAR Dataset' will be created. Under this folder, two subfolders will be created.
The R script is using functions that need plyr R package. Be sure plyr is installed.
Copy/Paste the content of run_analysis.R into R studio command line. This will create run_analysis function
Because the function will return a dataset, Run the function by command like d <- run_analysis()
Verify class of d by class(d)
To get a sense of dataset and its contents, Run commands like:
In run_analysis.R , There are comments for each command used in function that makes understanding the code easy to follow.