Data from, CC-BY 2024-03-11
was derived from original data table, and parsed and expanded for added flexibility and sortability.
Textus receptus in JSON format.
creates dataframe dictionaries of every chapter in every book of the Bible. Then, for a from verse query of interest, you can generate Bible Gateway scripture links (in ESV by default, but this can be changed) to every to verse cross-referenced to the query verse.
generates an interactive plotly treemap of all 344,799 from verse cross-references.
loads the Textus receptus manuscript into a pandas dataframe, generating word and character counts and visualizations. Runs on a local machine such as Jupyter Notebook or Visual Studio.
is the Google Colab version for running on Google Colab.
Clicking on a book (e.g., Psalms) updates the treemap with only the chapters in the selected book.
Hovering over a chapter of interest (e.g., Psalm 119) brings up a tooltip giving hierarchical data about the chapter, including the sum total of cross-references in this chapter to the rest of the Bible. In this case, Psalm 119 has the most cross-references in the entire Bible at 2,084. Acts 13 has the second-most number of cross-references to the rest of the Bible, coming in at 968 (see line 21 of openbible_from_verse_libraries_treemap.ipynb
Analysis of character count in the Textus receptus manuscript, summed by author, using plotly interactive bar chart. Hovering over a book of interest brings up a tooltip (as shown).