CLSQL is a Common Lisp to SQL engine interface by Kevin M. Rosenberg. It includes both functional and object oriented subsystems for data definition and manipulation as well as an integrated symbolic SQL syntax.
CLSQL supports a number of RDBMS and uses the UFFI ibrary for compatibility with Allegro CL, Lispworks, CMUCL, SBCL and OpenMCL.
This repository aims to continue maintenance and improvements to the CLSQL library.
- Port to native CFFI without cffi-uffi-compat.
- Modernize documentation or make it more accessible
The original documentation is available as a PDF file in doc/clsql.pdf and as HTML files in doc/html.tar.gz.
CLSQL's original home is The repository was in, but that appears to be down. You can view a limited snapshot of it on the Wayback Machine
CLSQL has incorporated code from the following projects. As of 2004, development has stopped on these incorporated projects.
- Pierre Mai's MaiSQL
- onShore Development's UncommonSQL
- Paul Meurer's SQL/ODBC
- Cadabra's Oracle interface
- UnwashedMeme/clsql - The original CLSQL README referenced this repository. It contains at least 2 diverging commits that merit consideration for integration.
- fukamachi/cl-dbi - Database independent interface for Common Lisp supporting SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. See also fukamachi/mito, which provides higher-level abstractions such as object-relational mapping.
- archimag/cl-mssql - A common library for interacting with MS SQL Server databases. (Uses FreeTDS library directly, as opposed to ODBC in CLSQL)
- marijnh/Postmodern - A Common Lisp PostgreSQL programming interface
- TeMPOraL/cl-sqlite - Common Lisp binding for SQLite
You can test ODBC with SQL Server locally using podman. For example, on a Debian-based system:
- Install required packages
sudo apt install podman libodbc2 unixodbc-dev tdsodbc
- Start SQL Server container
podman run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password" -p 1433:1433 -d
- Connect to server in Lisp using clsql-odbc
(asdf:load-system :clsql-odbc) (clsql:connect (list nil nil nil :connection-string "Server=localhost,1433;Driver=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/;UID=sa;PWD=yourStrong(!)Password"))