###Implementation of Concurrency and Fault Tolerance Made Easy: An Akka Tutorial with Examples
Using Akka Actors this reads all text files in a directory and counts the number of words in each file.
This is an Intellij SBT project, so you can clone it and play around. I hope this helps someone! 😀
Example output:
Stream Complete: 2.txt Total Number of Words: 13084 Total Time: 148ms
Stream Complete: 4.txt Total Number of Words: 13084 Total Time: 113ms
Stream Complete: 8.txt Total Number of Words: 9100 Total Time: 107ms
Stream Complete: 5.txt Total Number of Words: 13084 Total Time: 160ms
Stream Complete: 6.txt Total Number of Words: 9100 Total Time: 99ms
Stream Complete: 7.txt Total Number of Words: 9100 Total Time: 109ms
Stream Complete: 3.txt Total Number of Words: 13084 Total Time: 238ms
Stream Complete: 10.txt Total Number of Words: 26168 Total Time: 306ms
Stream Complete: 9.txt Total Number of Words: 1256064 Total Time: 1267ms
Stream Complete: 1.txt Total Number of Words: 1256064 Total Time: 1283ms
####Update: Don't create a new ActorSystem for each file.
Thanks Reddit User mmccaskill for pointing it out.
The solution was to pass in the ActorSystem as a parameter.
Don't name the Listener and Router Actors let Akka do it, so it will be unique
Keep count of the number of files processed, so you can terminate the ActorSystem when everything finishes.
Read more here: [Do I need to re-use the same Akka ActorSystem or can I just create one every time I need one?] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10396552/do-i-need-to-re-use-the-same-akka-actorsystem-or-can-i-just-create-one-every-tim)
####Messages are sent to an Actor through one of the following methods.
means “fire-and-forget”, e.g. send a message asynchronously and return immediately. Also known as tell.?
sends a message asynchronously and returns a Future representing a possible reply. Also known as ask