Pre-requisites: * mysql installed * nodejs (
Build the Application:
- Navigate to the project folder and execute "mvn clean install"
- Navigate in to node-app (bird-watching-app/src/main/node-app) and execute "npm install" to install nodejs dependencies
To run Map Reduce Application:
* Update the src/main/resources/ file with required information
* You can use project-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar created with the following commands to run the application
Standalone mode:
hadoop jar <path to jar file> <input file> <path to output file>
* pseudo distributed mode:
Copy the input file to dfs
hdfs dfs –put <local path> <dfs path for input>
hadoop jar <path to jar file> <input file in dfs> <output file location>
To run NodeJs application * Update the required information in database.json in node app * Navigate in to node-app (bird-watching-app/src/main/node-app) and execute "node app.js" * you can view application at http://localhost:8080/index.html