I am CHAHAK JETHANI, a student of IIT(BHU) VARANASI. I attempted to the micromouse challenge. As I was alone in this competition, therefore I was not able to do much.
I tried to implement two of the open source ROS packages which are:- 1) Exploration Lite 2) Frontier exploration
Both of the packages posed the same major problems which I was not able to solve even till the last moment. The inflation radius of Costmap was quite high and some parameters had to be adjusted to solve the issue. I was working alone and so not able to solve this problem
The problem with costmap :-
Also another issue was correcting the parameters of move base. The bot was able to move but it's speed was quite slow in exploration lite and it was moving only a little in frontier exploration.
Now I first tried to implement this a more easier map. Therefore I knew that some parameters had to changed in both move_base params and costmap2d params
The easy map that I was using to improve parameters of move base :-
The working of exploration lite :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD7x1MrnupU (Also available in assests folder)
The working of frontier exploration :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdUkaSucpjA (Also available in assests folder)
This competition is over but still if you want to collaborate on this project you can contact me at [email protected]