Built with JavaFX this application allows you to either start a chat server or connect to one if you know the host and port.
To run this you need a computer with Java 8 installed. Then just download the latest jar version from the releases page and run it!
If you wish to run the server on a headless device you can run the jar from a console by executing java -jar MultiUserChat.jar headless [DESIRED_PORT]
and that will run the Chat Server in the terminal instead of a JavaFX application.
The desired port is the port that should be attempted first. If the port you enter is unavailable then a random one is chosen. To go straight to a random port use 0
or leave it blank.
If you can't get yours working globally then you probably need to port forward. Googling for "[YOUR ROUTER] port forwarding" should help you achieve this.
Please make all contributions to the develop branch.