Performs various operations on Visual Novel Reader (VNR) dictionary files.
Input parameter details are as follows:
DictFilter.exe dictionary_file
DictFilter.exe gamespecific dictionary_file game_file_id
DictFilter.exe element dictionary_file element_name value
DictFilter.exe merge dictionary_fileA dictionary_fileB
DictFilter.exe remove dictionary_file game_file_id
gamespecific Returns game specific terms. Filteration will be
done by Game File Ids. File Ids can be found from Edit
Dialog under Game info page. Multiple ids
should be separated by comma.
element Returns terms where element_name has value matching
the given value. Value can be a regular expression.
Any terms which don't have elemnt information will
be ignored.
merge Merges two dictionary files and produces a new file.
Both files should be present in current directory.
Each file must have a root element as parent to make xml valid.
remove Remove game specific terms from given dict file.
File Ids can be found from Edit Dialog under Game
info page. Multiple ids should be separated by comma.
If file_id is not specified then only disabled terms
will be removed.
If only dictionary file is provided without any other parameters then global
terms will be returned.
If no parameter is provided, then this guide will be printed.
NOTE: Disabled terms will be always be ignored.