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Continuous Integration

hydra is a command line utility for generating language-specific project structures.



✨ Features

  • Build project templates with just one command
  • Support for seven different licenses
  • Language-specific .gitignore file
  • Configure default language and default license to work with
  • Fast and reliable

⚡️ Installation

For Linux users:

If you use an Arch based distro,

yay -S hydra-go

Or any other AUR helper would work.


Execute the following command in bash:

curl >

chmod +x ./

bash ./

For MacOS users:

Execute the following command in bash:

curl >

chmod +x ./

bash ./

For Windows users:

Open Powershell as Admin and execute the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | powershell -

To verify the installation of hydra, open a new shell and execute hydra -v. You should see output like this:

hydra 2.2.0

Version: 2.2.0

If the output isn't something like this, you need to repeat the above steps carefully.

💡 Usage

This section shows how you can use hydra.


The config command is used to set or alter the hydra user configurations.

$ hydra config {flags}

The valid flags for config command are:

  • name --> The name of the user. It is used as the name of the copyright holder in the LICENSE file.

  • github-username --> The Github username of the user. It is used to initiate the modules in go.

  • default-lang --> The default language for project initialisation. It is used in case the lang argument is not provided in the init command. Valid options for the default-lang flag are:

    • go
    • python
    • web
    • flask
    • c
    • c++
    • ruby
  • default-license --> The default license for project creation. Valid values are:

    • MIT
    • GPL
    • BSD
    • APACHE
    • EPL
    • MPL
    • UNI

Once hydra is installed, it is advised to run the following command to complete the configuration.

$ hydra config --name "YOUR NAME" --github-username "YOUR GITHUB USERNAME"


The list command is used to list supported languages, licenses and the hydra user configurations.

$ hydra list <item>

Valid options for the item argument are:

  • langs --> Languages supported by hydra
  • licenses --> Licenses supported by hydra
  • configs --> The hydra user configurations

Example: hydra list langs


To create a new project structure using hydra, execute:

$ hydra init <project name> [lang]

The init command initialises the project.

Valid options for the language argument are:

  • python
  • go
  • web
  • flask
  • c
  • c++
  • ruby

Example: hydra init myProject python

In case the lang argument is not provided, hydra falls back to the default-lang configuration.

You can view the file to see the project structure hydra creates for every language it supports.


$ hydra version

The version command shows the version of hydra installed.


$ hydra help

Renders assistance for hydra on a terminal, briefly showing its usage.

⏩ Change Log

The changes made in the latest version of hydra, v2.2.0 are:

  • Added flask (python web framework), C, C++, and ruby as language types for project initialisation
  • Improved web initialisation
  • Added support for Unilicense
  • Changed the hydra config directory

View for more information.

🔖 Versioning

hydra releases follow semantic versioning, every release is in the x.y.z form, where:

  • x is the MAJOR version and is incremented when a backwards incompatible change to hydra is made.
  • y is the MINOR version and is incremented when a backwards compatible change to hydra is made, like changing dependencies or adding a new function, method, struct field, or type.
  • z is the PATCH version and is incremented after making minor changes that don't affect hydra's public API or dependencies, like fixing a bug.

📄 License

License © 2021-Present Shravan Asati

This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

👥 Contribution

Pull requests are more than welcome. For more information on how to contribute to hydra, refer