This starts with the Ubuntu Xenial base image, and follows the install steps from UUV to include ROS Lunar with Gazebo 9.
Specify your own VNC password for the container:
clone && cd gazebo && \
docker build --build-arg VNC_PASSWORD=MyPassGoesHere --network=host --add-host=$HOSTNAME: -t gazebo .
Run your container (e.g., with a mounted subdir to save screenshots):
mkdir Pictures && docker run --network=host --rm -v $(pwd)/Pictures:/home/gopher/.gazebo/pictures gazebo
Connect with VNC viewer, and enter the VNC password from the step above when prompted:
vncviewer vnc://localhost:5900
Once inside the container, start Gazebo:
Shift-Alt-Enter #(hot-key st term)
$ bash #(bash shell to dot-source)
$ roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch