Live Site
Client-Side Repository Link
Server-Side Repository Link
- Firebase Authentication in login page & Registration page
- Google Authentication
- Dark Mode Light Mode
- Dynamic Slider on product page
- Add movies to the website based on the movie category, and by clicking 'add to cart,' the user can save the movie to the cart.
- Firebase Authentication implemented. Without login, the user can not add the movie to the site.
- Individual user can see their add-to-cart data.
VITE_apiKey= "Your Firebase Api Key"
VITE_authDomain="Your Firebase domain"
VITE_projectId="Your project Id"
VITE_storageBucket= "Storage Bucket"
VITE_messagingSenderId="Messaging Sender id"
VITE_appId="App Id"
DB_USER="Database Use Id"
DB_PASS="Database password"