A themed web app built with React, Material-UI and Typescript which consumes the public Star Wars API (SWAPI).
This web app helps you explore all 7 Star Wars movies by Planets, Spaceships, Vehicles, People, Films and Species.
This app has been built to practice core concepts of React with Typescript.
- Login & SignUp page with local user authentication
- Form validation
- Local user storage in order to refresh page without being logged out
- Overview page for all Star Wars resources
- Resources navigation and pagination
- Search for each resource through SWAPI and input field debouncing
- Resource detail page with related resources navigation
- Support for mobile screens
- Logout user
- Simple error handling with react-error-boundary
- Node and NPM
- Yarn
- Clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:siboscol/star-wars-app.git
- Install all dependencies
cd star-wars-app
- Start local server
yarn start
Now you can visit localhost:3000
from your browser.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- Implement NodeJs Server to implement JWT authentication (reusing https://github.com/siboscol/node-ts-rest)
- Extend the app with Unit Testing for components with
React Testing Library
- Integrate breadcrumb for navigation
- Implement a central State management system with Redux in order to store and cache APis responses and avoid server overload and improve loading time and user experience
- Improve images resizing and overall layout and background images
- Improve Apis error handling by showing error messages and leave app in a consistent state
- https://swapi.dev/
- https://swapi.py4e.com/
- https://mui.com/
- https://reactrouter.com/
- https://starwars-visualguide.com/#/
- https://dev.to/finiam/predictable-react-authentication-with-the-context-api-g10
- https://javascript.plainenglish.io/creating-a-sign-up-form-in-react-with-typescript-516b1a172913
- https://dev.to/gabe_ragland/debouncing-with-react-hooks-jci
- https://kentcdodds.com/blog/use-react-error-boundary-to-handle-errors-in-react