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Releases: sidebase/nuxt-auth


28 Jun 06:55
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0.8.0-rc.1 Pre-release

Upgrade guide

This release contains breaking changes for all providers.

// nuxt.config.ts

export default defineNuxtConfig({
	modules: ['@sidebase/nuxt-auth'],
	auth: {
-		session: {
-			enableRefreshOnWindowFocus: true,
-			enableRefreshPeriodically: 10000,
- 			refreshHandler: RefreshHandler
- 		}
+		sessionRefresh: {
+			enableOnWindowFocus: true,
+			enablePeriodically: 10000,
+			refreshHandler: RefreshHandler
+		}


In #715, we took the first step to improve the behavior and possibilities to customize the Refresh behaviour of your application. In #766 we finalized these changes and improved the previous configuration options. You can define the location of a custom RefreshHandler inside your Nuxt config under auth.sessionRefresh.refreshHandler.

To customize the session refreshing you can provide a refresh handler. A custom RefreshHandler requires an init- and a destroy-function.

  • init will be called when the nuxt application is mounted. Here you may add event listeners and initialize custom refresh behaviour. The method will receive a RefreshHandlerConfig. The type consists of enablePeriodically & enableOnWindowFocus.
  • destroy will be called when your app is unmounted. Here you may run your clean up routine e.g. to remove your event listeners.
import type { RefreshHandler } from '@sidebase/nuxt-auth'

// You may also use a plain object with `satisfies RefreshHandler`, of course!
class CustomRefreshHandler implements RefreshHandler {
  init (): void {'Use the full power of classes to customize refreshHandler!')

  destroy (): void {
      'Hover above class properties or go to their definition ' +
      'to learn more about how to craft a refreshHandler'

export default new CustomRefreshHandler()

If no custom RefreshHandler is defined, the build-in handler will be used.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.8.0-alpha.3...0.8.0-rc.1


27 Jun 19:43
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0.8.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

Upgrade guide

This release contains breaking changes for all providers.

// nuxt.config.ts

export default defineNuxtConfig({
	modules: ['@sidebase/nuxt-auth'],
	auth: {
-		session: {
-			enableRefreshOnWindowFocus: true,
-			enableRefreshPeriodically: 10000,
- 			refreshHandler: RefreshHandler
- 		}
+		sessionRefresh: {
+			enableOnWindowFocus: true,
+			enablePeriodically: 10000,
+			refreshHandler: RefreshHandler
+		}


In #715, we took the first step to improve the behavior and possibilities to customize the Refresh behaviour of your application. In #766 we finalized these changes and improved the previous configuration options. You can define the location of a custom RefreshHandler inside your Nuxt config under auth.sessionRefresh.refreshHandler.

To customize the session refreshing you can provide a refresh handler. A custom RefreshHandler requires an init- and a destroy-function.

  • init will be called when the nuxt application is mounted. Here you may add event listeners and initialize custom refresh behaviour. The method will receive a RefreshHandlerConfig. The type consists of enablePeriodically & enableOnWindowFocus.
  • destroy will be called when your app is unmounted. Here you may run your clean up routine e.g. to remove your event listeners.
import type { RefreshHandler } from '@sidebase/nuxt-auth'

// You may also use a plain object with `satisfies RefreshHandler`, of course!
class CustomRefreshHandler implements RefreshHandler {
  init (): void {'Use the full power of classes to customize refreshHandler!')

  destroy (): void {
      'Hover above class properties or go to their definition ' +
      'to learn more about how to craft a refreshHandler'

export default new CustomRefreshHandler()

If no custom RefreshHandler is defined, the build-in handler will be used.

What's Changed

  • 馃摑 docs: add session by @blumewas in #758
  • docs: fix broken links and minor rewording by @morehawes in #767
  • enh(#765): refactor refreshHandler and session refreshing; fix refresh provider refreshing by @phoenix-ru in #766
  • fix: await sendRedirect in auth handler by @DavidDeSloovere in #769
  • fix: Added getCurrentInstance check to conditionally register onMounted in useAuthState. by @cip8 in #771
  • release: 0.8.0-alpha.3 by @zoey-kaiser in #778

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.8.0-alpha.2...0.8.0-alpha.3


23 May 11:09
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0.8.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.8.0-alpha.1...0.8.0-alpha.2


10 May 12:33
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0.8.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

The road to 0.8.0

Hello everyone 馃憢

We are currently hard at work finishing up the next major minor release of NuxtAuth 馃コ. 0.8 will focus on generally improving and updating the module to be more consistent and faster. In #750 we refactored the internal $fetch calls used in NuxtAuth, this has resulted in a huge performance increase. If you are interested in this, feel free to check out the benchmarks in here.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.7.2...0.8.0-alpha.1


18 Apr 13:01
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.7.2


05 Apr 22:00
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What's Changed

  • Evaluation of getToken secureCookies parameter does not work as intended by @kwesterfeld2 in #704
  • feat(fetch): improve error handling by @devCrossNet in #713
  • fix (refresh-token): handle error in refresh-token plugin and fix reshOnlyToken type by @anjarupnik in #667
  • feat(#635): allow changing refresh request body via json pointer by @phoenix-ru in #727

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1


07 Mar 15:21
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.6.7...0.7.0


07 Mar 14:06
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0.7.0-rc.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.6.7...0.7.0-rc.0


22 Jan 10:02
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This release reverts the changes made in, which could result in content flashes.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.6.5...0.6.6


22 Jan 09:37
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WARNING: Please do not use this release, as the change in #644 can result in Content flashes on first load. Please skip this release and use 0.6.7!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.6.5...0.6.6