Built a Rest API service to crawl and extract several product attributes of a given product’s SKU as input from its Amazon page using Python, Django and Selenium.
Steps to run the project:
Install Anaconda Navigator. (https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual)
Create a new virtual environment(Refer Image anaconda_environment.png in Screenhots folder): Open Anaconda Navigator and open the Environments on the left and then Create at the bottom to create a virtual environment
Download the Crawler_Project folder and extract it
Open your terminal (either from Anaconda Navigator, click the Virtual Environment created and select Open Terminal or open command prompt and run conda avtivate <Virtual_environment>) and navigate to the Crawler_Project folder
Once inside the folder please run: C:\Users<>\Crawler_Project> pip install -r requirements.txt
Once installed please run: C:\Users<>\Crawler_Project> python manage.py runserver
Once the server is running, please use either of the following : 7.a. Open Postman Collection and import the attached JSON file and try out the APIs or 7.b. navigate to the development server at and try out the APIs: Sample inputs(POST): api/get-product-details-view/ : {"sku":"https://www.amazon.in/Pigeon-Stovekraft-Stainless-instant-noodles/dp/B08HRBDLNW/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=2tKyO&pf_rd_p=e60c70f0-0541-4ba5-b6fc-ada95198a5fe&pf_rd_r=91ECZN6YQGK02WH9JF6P&pd_rd_r=251ae8cf-5737-49e3-9854-8290366cbe48&pd_rd_wg=S93h0&ref_=pd_gw_crs_zg_bs_976442031"} OR {"sku":"B08HRBDLNW”}
api/html-view/: {"sku": "B074ZF7PVZ"}
api/get-product-historydetails-view/ : { "sku": "B074ZF7PVZ", "timestamp": "2021-04-27T23:12"}
api/price-trend-view/: {"sku":"B074ZF7PVZ"}