- 🔭 I'm currently working on learning game development in Godot and Gamemaker.
- 🌱 I'm hoping to participate in a few hackathons in the near future.
- 🚴 Cycling enthusiast
- 🏫 Freshman at Fremont High School
- books-api - A simple API with a database of books and authors.
- emberbots-2024-firstdive- Software for FTC Emberbots 26106's 2024-2025 season
- text-analyzer - Python app to analyze word count, readability, and more
- baneful-duality - A platformer game for Counterspell! Winner of Counterspell Silicon Valley and finalist for global Counterspell.
- unit-converter - Simple Python app to convert between various units (with GUI)
- pig-latin - GUI based Python app to translate a string to Pig Latin
- pyweather - Access an API to get the latest weather data
- iphone6-display-frame - Created a display frame using an iPhone 6 for the 10th anniversary of its release. Also iPod Nano!