Create a new Application for TweetWall within Twitter Apps site signing in
with the twitter account that will be used to run the TweetWallFX. You have to enter at least the
website of your company. After doing so generate a new access token under Keys and Access Tokens
Update the tweetwallConfig.json
file with your OAuth values as follows:
"twitter" : {
"extendedMode" : true,
"oauth" : {
"consumerKey" : "v8SvGzboGrvU148cKs8PghI1v", (1)
"consumerSecret" : "12w6vg612hgvoGk0iysMlLvKfh0ouMcVg00RWG8rV6jccZ8RUg", (2)
"accessToken" : "12cF34j9-cF3cGz819x4j2iQ6Vgh4wqmLqksxHzRFt78D3WKiB", (3)
"accessTokenSecret" : "2DghUiSB5hdg7jFbNKHqx5xRkXNZhnzZtICUPG7Bz92x4" (4)
"tweetwall" : {
"query" : "#myevent OR #someothertag",
"title" : "The JavaFX Tweetwall for my Event",
"stylesheetResource" : "tweetwall.css"
The Consumer Key (API Key)
The Consumer Secret (API Secret)
The Access Token
The Access Token Secret