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CI #216

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- main
- master
description: 'Branch (user[/repo]:branch)'
type: string
required: false
- cron: '15 3 * * *'
permissions: {}
# Use `bash` by default. Note that, according to the documentation, the
# real command is `bash --noprofile --norc -eo pipefail {0}`, which makes
# the shell catch any errors in pipelines.
shell: bash
# If the CI run is for a PR, allow a single concurrent run per PR and cancel
# all other runs for the same PR (e.g., if the PR was rebased) even when
# those runs are for different commits. If the CI run is for anything else
# (push, workflow_dispatch, schedule), allow a single concurrent run per
# commit and cancel other runs for the same commit.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
cancel-in-progress: true
guix_cached_paths: |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
strategy: ${{ steps.strategy.outputs.result }}
cache_name: ${{ }}
- id: strategy
name: Determine strategy for the test job
uses: actions/github-script@v7.0.1
script: |
// Default settings.
const defaultSource = [
{ repo: "qmk/qmk_firmware", branch: "master" },
// Not compatible with gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update since
// had been merged
// (`_Alignas` in compound literals requires GCC >= 8.x).
// { repo: "qmk/qmk_firmware", branch: "develop" },
// Read workflow inputs.
let inputSource = "";
if (context.eventName == "workflow_dispatch") {
const payload = context.payload;
const inputs = payload && payload.inputs;
inputSource = inputs && inputs.source && inputs.source.trim() || "";
// Parse the `source` input.
let matrixSource = defaultSource;
if (inputSource != "") {
const sourceParts = inputSource.split(":", 2);
if (sourceParts.length == 2 ) {
let repoParts = sourceParts[0].split("/", 2);
if (repoParts.length == 1) {
matrixSource = [
{ repo: repoParts.join("/"), branch: sourceParts[1] },
// Determine build strategy.
const strategy = {
"fail-fast": false,
"matrix": {
"source": matrixSource,
// Print the resulting strategy to the log.
core.startGroup("Strategy for the test job:");, null, 2));
// Return the strategy as the step output in the JSON format.
return strategy;
- name: Determine possible cache names
id: cache_name
run: |
# Format the cache name
date="$(date --utc +%Y%m%d)"
echo "ok=${base}-ok-${date}-${sha}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "ok_date_only_prefix=${base}-ok-${date}-" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "ok_any_prefix=${base}-ok-" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "fail=${base}-fail-${date}-${sha}-${{github.run_id}}-${{github.run_attempt}}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "fail_same_run_id_prefix=${base}-fail-${date}-${sha}-${{github.run_id}}-" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "fail_date_only_prefix=${base}-fail-${date}-" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "any_prefix=${base}-" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Check whether the Guix cache needs updating
id: check_cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4.0.1
path: ${{ env.guix_cached_paths }}
key: ${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.ok }}
lookup-only: true
- name: Prepare the Guix store before restoring from cache
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: |
# Make the Guix store writable for the current user
sudo mkdir -p /gnu/store /var/guix/db /var/guix/gcroots /var/guix/profiles
sudo chown -R ${USER}: /gnu /var/guix
sudo chmod -R u+w /gnu /var/guix
- name: Restore the Guix store from cache
id: restore_cache
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4.0.1
path: ${{ env.guix_cached_paths }}
key: ${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.ok }}
restore-keys: |
${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.fail_same_run_id_prefix }}
${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.ok_date_only_prefix }}
${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.ok_any_prefix }}
${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.any_prefix }}
- name: Fix up the Guix store after restoring it from cache
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: |
# Fix up permissions for the Guix store when restoring from cache.
sudo chown -R root:root /gnu /var/guix
sudo chmod 755 /gnu
sudo chmod -R u-w /gnu/store
sudo chmod 1775 /gnu/store
# Move the Guix cache for root to the proper location (that cache is
# used to speed up `guix pull`).
if [ -d ~/.cache/guix-root ]; then
sudo mkdir -p ~root/.cache
sudo rm -rf ~root/.cache/guix
sudo mv ~/.cache/guix-root ~root/.cache/guix
sudo chown -R root:root ~root/.cache/guix
# Make sure that all expected directories exist.
mkdir -p ~/.cache/guix
- name: Install Guix
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
uses: sigprof/guix-install-action@b677b02f4c9cced3fb63cfc7d00f8565f6b075ae
channels: '%default-channels'
useExistingGuix: ${{ steps.restore_cache.outputs.cache-matched-key != '' }}
pullAfterInstall: >-
!startsWith(steps.restore_cache.outputs.cache-matched-key, steps.cache_name.outputs.ok_date_only_prefix)
&& !startsWith(steps.restore_cache.outputs.cache-matched-key, steps.cache_name.outputs.fail_date_only_prefix)
- name: Verify that Guix works without warnings
id: guix_setup_check
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: test -z "$(guix --version 2>&1 >/dev/null)"
- name: Checkout the project source
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
- name: Build the Guix shell environment
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: guix shell -r ~/.cache/manifest-gcroot -m manifest.scm -- true
- name: Collect garbage
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: |
# Collect garbage
echo '::group::GC roots before the garbage collection'
sudo /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix gc --list-roots
echo '::endgroup::'
echo '::group::Running GC'
sudo /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix gc --delete-generations
echo '::endgroup::'
echo '::group::GC roots after the garbage collection'
sudo /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix gc --list-roots
echo '::endgroup::'
- name: Build the Guix shell environment again
if: ${{ !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit }}
run: |
# GC removes too much; this rebuild fetches those packages again.
guix shell -r ~/.cache/manifest-gcroot -m manifest.scm -- true
- name: Set cache name for a successful update
if: always() && !cancelled() && success()
run: echo 'final_cache_name=${{ steps.cache_name.outputs.ok}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set cache name for a failed update
if: always() && !cancelled() && !success()
run: echo 'final_cache_name=${{}}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Determine the resulting cache name
id: saved_cache_name
if: always() && !cancelled()
run: echo "name=$final_cache_name" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Prepare to save the Guix store
id: guix_shutdown
if: >-
always() && !cancelled()
&& !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit
&& (steps.guix_setup_check.outcome == 'success')
run: |
# Stop the Guix services.
sudo systemctl stop guix-daemon.service
sudo systemctl stop gnu-store.mount
# Move ~root/.cache/guix to an accessible place and adjust the
# permissions to make it readable for the cache action.
sudo mkdir -p ~root/.cache/guix
sudo mv ~root/.cache/guix ~/.cache/guix-root
sudo chown -R ${USER}: ~/.cache/guix-root
# Report uncompressed sizes of all cached paths.
set -f
set -- ${guix_cached_paths}
set +f
du -sh --total ${*/#\~/$HOME}
- name: Save the Guix store in the cache
if: >-
always() && !cancelled()
&& !steps.check_cache.outputs.cache-hit
&& (steps.guix_shutdown.outcome == 'success')
uses: actions/cache/save@v4.0.1
path: ${{ env.guix_cached_paths }}
key: ${{ }}
needs: build
strategy: ${{ fromJSON( }}
working-directory: qmk_firmware
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Prepare the Guix store before restoring from cache
working-directory: .
run: |
# Make the Guix store writable for the current user
sudo mkdir -p /gnu/store /var/guix/db /var/guix/gcroots /var/guix/profiles
sudo chown -R ${USER}: /gnu /var/guix
sudo chmod -R u+w /gnu /var/guix
- name: Restore the Guix store from cache
id: restore_cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4.0.1
path: ${{ env.guix_cached_paths }}
key: ${{ }}
fail-on-cache-miss: true
- name: Fix up the Guix store after restoring it from cache
working-directory: .
run: |
# Fix up permissions for the Guix store when restoring from cache.
sudo chown -R root:root /gnu /var/guix
sudo chmod 755 /gnu
sudo chmod -R u-w /gnu/store
sudo chmod 1775 /gnu/store
# Move the Guix cache for root to the proper location (that cache is
# used to speed up `guix pull`).
if [ -d ~/.cache/guix-root ]; then
sudo mkdir -p ~root/.cache
sudo rm -rf ~root/.cache/guix
sudo mv ~/.cache/guix-root ~root/.cache/guix
sudo chown -R root:root ~root/.cache/guix
- name: Install Guix
uses: sigprof/guix-install-action@b677b02f4c9cced3fb63cfc7d00f8565f6b075ae
channels: '%default-channels'
useExistingGuix: true
pullAfterInstall: false
- name: Verify that Guix works without warnings
working-directory: .
run: test -z "$(guix --version 2>&1 >/dev/null)"
- name: Checkout the project source
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
path: guix-qmk
- name: Build the Guix shell environment
working-directory: guix-qmk
run: guix shell -r ~/.cache/manifest-gcroot -m manifest.scm -- true
- name: Checkout the QMK firmware source code
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.1
path: qmk_firmware
repository: ${{ matrix.source.repo }}
ref: ${{ matrix.source.branch }}
submodules: recursive
- name: Configure the 'upstream' remote
run: |
git remote add -t master -t develop upstream
git fetch --depth=1 --no-tags --no-recurse-submodules upstream
- name: Configure the udev rules
if: ${{ runner.os == 'Linux' }}
run: sudo install -o root -g root -m 0644 util/udev/50-qmk.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
- name: Update submodules
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- make git-submodule
- name: Test 'qmk doctor'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- qmk doctor
- name: Test 'qmk setup'
run: |
# Test 'qmk setup'
# 'qmk setup' does not return the exit code of 'qmk doctor',
# therefore grepping the text output is needed.
guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- qmk setup 2>&1 | tee qmk-setup.log
grep -q "QMK is ready to go" qmk-setup.log
- name: Test AVR build using 'make'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- make planck/rev5:default
- name: Test Arm build using 'make'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- make planck/rev6:default
- name: Test 'make clean'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- make clean
- name: Force clean before testing 'qmk compile'
run: git clean -fdx
- name: Test AVR build using 'qmk compile'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- qmk compile -kb planck/rev5 -km default
- name: Test Arm build using 'qmk compile'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- qmk compile -kb planck/rev6 -km default
- name: Test 'qmk clean'
run: guix shell -m ../guix-qmk/manifest.scm -- qmk clean
- build
- test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: always()
ci_success: >-
( == 'success')
&& (needs.test.result == 'success')
- name: Report CI status
run: $ci_success