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musdb 0.3.0: a better fit for deep learning datasets

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@faroit faroit released this 01 Jul 07:50
· 28 commits to master since this release

New musdb is released which addresses a few things related to when using musdb inside your deep learning framework.

New features

  • musdb.DB() directly loads the list of tracks. No need to call load_musdb_tracks.
  • iterating over the track is simplified since the musdb.DB object is iterable and supports indexing
  • now has a tool to convert a stems dataset to wav (or flac) automatically.
  • we now provide a predefined train/validation split to foster reproducible research.
  • musdb now supports chunking of the audio (both via stempeg for stems and soundfile for wavs) to efficiently load only parts of the audio
  • A 7 seconds preview version of the musdb18 dataset is automatically downloaded and can be used on the fly. (this is fun for jupyter/colab!).

Incompatible changes

  • support for python 2.7 was dropped
  • was removed since it was not used a lot and people used their own methods to do multiprocessing over different tracks.