This is a school assignment in the Backend programming module at Chas Academy, where we were supposed to create a Todo App.
The Todo App should include:
A website written with PHP, HTML and CSS, along with a database in SQL (frontend JS is allowed, but is not a requirement).
An SQL database with tables and data
Handling task functionality
- Create task
- Read tasks
- Update tasks
- Complete task
- Delete task
At least one form that handles CRUD for the tasks
Design is not the main focus of the assignment, however basic design of forms and task list is desirable
Version control with git (not one commit at the end of the assignment, but regular commits with relevant messages).
PHP, Docker
To try the app,
clone down the repository.
docker-compose up
go to in the browser
- and create a new user, by clicking sign up and fill in the form
go to localhost:8080/ in the browser
- login to the database with details from the yaml file.
- and import the demo data, provided in the repo, into the database.
If you used the demo data you will see the demo task, if not you will not yet have any tasks to display
Click "Add task" to create a new task
- set a name
- add some extra information (optional)
- set a due date for the task (recommended)
Simply click the X to delete the task,
the pen to edit the task
or tick the circle, to mark the task as completed