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Youtube video deck

This program runs a web server that manages youtube subscriptions.

The main use case is to replace the now inactive youtube-video-deck, which keeps track of individual subscriptions, and which videos have been watched already. This is a simple extension on top of Youtube itself, which does not split subscriptions down by channel/playlist. I personally find it hard to keep track of new videos when they are all in a single list. In addition, I do not regularly prune my subscriptions. This app allows a separate selection of channels/playlists than youtube itself, and therefore can be considered more for favourite entries.

It is implemented as a Django web application that allows the user to subscribe to multiple video sources (channels or playlists) and fetch any new videos when they are made available.

Getting started

In order to get started with the code, get a Youtube API key. Then:

  • Clone the code: git clone
  • Change into the code directory: cd youtube-video-deck
  • Create a .env file which lists all secrets used, particularly the database connections, app secret key and google api key. A sample can be found under env.sample
  • Install package dependencies with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install the node dependencies with npm install
  • Compile the javascript/css code: npm run prodbuild
  • Migrate your postgres database: python ./ migrate
  • Create the superuser, who has admin priviliges: python ./ createsuperuser
  • Start the app: python ./ runserver

Alternatively the repository includes a docker-compose.yml file for use with docker compose. This reads secrets from the .env file, and spins up the web app and postgres database. Before the app will work, the same database migrations and superuser creation must occur, so the recommended approach is:

docker-compose up -d db
docker-compose up -d ytvd
docker-compose exec ytvd bash

# Within container
python ./ migrate
python ./ createsuperuser

# Now back in the host shell
docker-compose restart ytvd




See the design docs


youtube-video-deck: this seems to have been discontinued. We are basically re-implementing this but simplifying the authentication

freetube: this can list subscriptions, but does not remove items that have been viewed


Self-hosted youtube-video-deck alternative






No releases published
