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object edited this page Oct 9, 2012 · 5 revisions

Simple.Data method Delete is used to create new entries in OData collections.

OData supports deletions only by resource key, so in case the entry is identified by non-key properties, the adapter first issue HTTP GET request to retrieve entry's key value and then invokes HTTP DELETE request with the key value.

Delete a product by specifying it's name

var product = _db.Products.Insert(ProductName: "Test1", UnitPrice: 18m);
product = _db.Products.FindByProductName("Test1");
_db.Products.Delete(ProductName: "Test1");
product = _db.Products.FindByProductName("Test1");

Request URI: GET Products?$filter=ProductName+eq+%27Test1%27
Request URI: DELETE Products(84)

Delete a product by specifying the whole object

Sending the whole object to Simple.Data Delete command results in not very efficient OData command because OData adapter receives Delete argument as a Simple.Data SimpleExpression object with all entry properties joined as a search condition. See below how large is a request URI.

var product = _db.Products.Insert(ProductName: "Test2", UnitPrice: 18m);
product = _db.Products.FindByProductName("Test2");
product = _db.Products.FindByProductName("Test2");

Request URI: GET Products?$filter=(ProductID+eq+85+and+(SupplierID+eq+null+and+(CategoryID+eq+null+and+(ProductName+eq+%27Test2%27+and+(EnglishName+eq+null+and+(QuantityPerUnit+eq+null+and+(UnitPrice+eq+18+and+(UnitsInStock+eq+null+and+(UnitsOnOrder+eq+null+and+(ReorderLevel+eq+null+and+Discontinued+eq+false))))))))))
Request URI: DELETE Products(85)

See also:
Modifying data
Simple.Data documentation for Delete