Releases: simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp-module-oidc
What's Changed
Add support for HTTP POST method on authorization endpoint by @cicnavi in #242
SSP-2030_OIDC_module_switch_to_ProcessingChain_for_authproc_support_consent_mod by @ioigoume in #228
Add support for private_key_jwt client authn method on token endpoint by @cicnavi in #250
Enable caching capabilities on UserRepository by @cicnavi in #264
Add caching support for protocol artifacts by @cicnavi in #270
Move module_oidc.php to module_oidc.php.dist by @cicnavi in #279
Enable defining additional private / public key pair for key rollover scenario by @cicnavi in #283
Make OIDC protocol endpoints available as Symfony routes by @cicnavi in #227
Initial federation entity configuration endpoint implementation by @cicnavi in #222
Add Registration Types property to clients by @cicnavi in #226
Add Automatic Client Registration Implementation by @cicnavi in #248
Enable TrustMarks listing in Entity Configuration by @cicnavi in #263
Enable testing trust chain resolution in admin UI by @cicnavi in #269
ISSUE_218_Support_single_page_app_browser_clients_using_authorization_code_and_pkce by @ioigoume in #219
SSP-2031_OIDC_module_fix_display_of_public_clients by @ioigoume in #225
Move ClientEntity factory methods to dedicated ClientEntityFactory by @cicnavi in #255
Move to dedicated AccessTokenEntity Factory by @cicnavi in #256
Move to dedicated AuthCodeEntity Factory by @cicnavi in #257
Move to dedicated RefreshTokenEntity Factory by @cicnavi in #259
Move to DateTime helper instead of static TimestampGenerator by @cicnavi in #262
Remove DatabaseLegacyOAuth2Import service by @cicnavi in #288
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.1.1...v6.0.0
What's Changed
- Update by @mheder in #215
- Update by @mheder in #216
- Raise key-size from 2048 > 3072 by @tvdijen in #224
- Update docker run to use newer ssp image by @pradtke in #229
- Allow plugin phpstan/extension-installer by @cicnavi in #238
- Add note about SSP version compatibility in readme by @cicnavi in #237
- Add note about attribute name format used in examples by @cicnavi in #266
- Make identifier attribute name set in config visible in error messages by @cicnavi in #272
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.1.0...v5.1.1
What's Changed
- Update CsrfProtection.php by @rmdashrfslash in #213
New Contributors
- @rmdashrfslash made their first contribution in #213
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1
What's Changed
- Update upgrade log and readme about version requirements
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1