Starting from React Boiler plate to both speed up the assessment and show working with a existing tools and projects.
- Page 1 of the pdf is the mockup, Colors and relative sizes are pulled from there.
- Fix or relative Height percentage of the blue section is the set size for Mobile tablet screens
- The text change should be changed via a react class or set value and not vanilla javascript (I don't know how similar/equivalent but different technical decisions would be picked).
- Colors and sizes noted in the styles file are correct. (These could easily be swapped to be correct but hopefully they are accurate)
- Colors pulled from the pdf
- Fonts couldn't be pulled so default ones were used instead.
- Sizes pulled from the pdf
- Logo pulled from
- Plan out project and gather resources and tools for it
- Add in some dependencies and tools for development
- Finish testing deployment and Dev Environment
- Build Matching page with styled components (would prefer to use SCSS but Styled components seem like a good or better option are are what this boilerplate uses.)
- Pull in React Scroll code and implement and test it basic setup changing just the text to match the requirements.
- Test and fix for mobile issues, if any (see assumptions).