Minimalist Forum and Community Theme made with WordPress and BuddyPress
Inspired from Discourse, Flarum and NodeBB. But much much simpler and FAST.
- WordPress
- BuddyPress
- Best SEO
- Post/Category Based (no custom posttypes or taxonomies)
- Custom Category Colors (Hex, RGB or Name)
- Custom Category Icons (Native WordPress Dash Icons No 3th party)
- Advance Profiles
- Custom Avatar
- Custom Profile Banner
- Profile Status Sharing
- Friend Follow
- Private Messaging
- @Mention Users
- Notifications
- Subscriptions
- Invite System
- WordPress
- BuddyPress
- SiForum Theme
- Install BuddyPress Plugin and Change BuddyPress setting to legacy theme (Settings > Buddypress > options)
- Install SiForum Theme
- Set the default registered user to "author" role
- Add some categories, category colors (css color names or #ccc color codes) and category icons (i used dashicons just paste the class name thats it)
- Disable guest commenting since this theme using comments as replies
- Open register to everyone or use Buddypress invite system or both.
- Recommended: Install a Comment Edit plugin for users.
- Recommended: Install a security and role restriction plugin for disabling the wp-admin
- Disable
nested replies
You can have fun posting topics and start creating your community...
- Unlimited Plugins
- Great SEO
- Endless Possibilities
- Easy to Edit Theme
- Backward Compatibility
- Forward Compatibilty