Swifty and modern UserDefaults
This package is used in production by apps like Gifski, Dato, Lungo, Battery Indicator, and HEIC Converter.
- Strongly typed: You declare the type and default value upfront.
- Codable support: You can store any Codable value, like an enum.
- NSSecureCoding support: You can store any NSSecureCoding value.
- Debuggable: The data is stored as JSON-serialized values.
- Observation: Observe changes to keys.
- Lightweight: It's only some hundred lines of code.
- macOS 10.12+
- iOS 10+
- tvOS 10+
- watchOS 3+
.package(url: "https://github.com/sindresorhus/Defaults", from: "3.1.1")
github "sindresorhus/Defaults"
pod 'Defaults'
You declare the defaults keys upfront with type and default value.
import Cocoa
import Defaults
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let quality = Key<Double>("quality", default: 0.8)
// ^ ^ ^ ^
// Key Type UserDefaults name Default value
You can then access it as a subscript on the Defaults
//=> 0.8
Defaults[.quality] = 0.5
//=> 0.5
Defaults[.quality] += 0.1
//=> 0.6
Defaults[.quality] = "🦄"
//=> [Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'Double']
You can also declare optional keys for when you don't want to declare a default value upfront:
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let name = OptionalKey<Double>("name")
if let name = Defaults[.name] {
The default value is then nil
If you have NSSecureCoding
classes which you want to save, you can use them as follows:
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let someSecureCoding = NSSecureCodingKey<SomeNSSecureCodingClass>("someSecureCoding", default: SomeNSSecureCodingClass(string: "Default", int: 5, bool: true))
static let someOptionalSecureCoding = NSSecureCodingOptionalKey<Double>("someOptionalSecureCoding")
//=> "Default"
//=> 5
//=> true
You can use those keys just like in all the other examples. The return value will be your NSSecureCoding
enum DurationKeys: String, Codable {
case tenMinutes = "10 Minutes"
case halfHour = "30 Minutes"
case oneHour = "1 Hour"
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let defaultDuration = Key<DurationKeys>("defaultDuration", default: .oneHour)
//=> "1 Hour"
You are not required to attach keys to Defaults.Keys
let isUnicorn = Defaults.Key<Bool>("isUnicorn", default: true)
//=> true
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicornMode = Key<Bool>("isUnicornMode", default: false)
let observer = Defaults.observe(.isUnicornMode) { change in
// Initial event
//=> false
//=> false
// First actual event
//=> false
//=> true
Defaults[.isUnicornMode] = true
In contrast to the native UserDefaults
key observation, here you receive a strongly-typed change object.
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicornMode = Key<Bool>("isUnicornMode", default: false)
final class Foo {
init() {
Defaults.observe(.isUnicornMode) { change in
}.tieToLifetime(of: self)
Defaults[.isUnicornMode] = true
The observation will be valid until self
is deinitialized.
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicornMode = Key<Bool>("isUnicornMode", default: false)
Defaults[.isUnicornMode] = true
//=> true
//=> false
This works for OptionalKey
too, which will be reset back to nil
This works too:
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicorn = Key<Bool>("isUnicorn", default: true)
//=> true
let extensionDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "com.unicorn.app")!
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicorn = Key<Bool>("isUnicorn", default: true, suite: extensionDefaults)
//=> true
// Or
//=> true
When you create a Defaults.Key
, it automatically registers the default
value with normal UserDefaults
. This means you can make use of the default value in, for example, bindings in Interface Builder.
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicornMode = Key<Bool>("isUnicornMode", default: true)
print(UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: isUnicornMode.name))
//=> true
Type: class
Stores the keys.
Defaults.Key<T>(_ key: String, default: T, suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Type: class
Create a key with a default value.
The default value is written to the actual UserDefaults
and can be used elsewhere. For example, with a Interface Builder binding.
Defaults.NSSecureCodingKey<T>(_ key: String, default: T, suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Type: class
Create a NSSecureCoding key with a default value.
The default value is written to the actual UserDefaults
and can be used elsewhere. For example, with a Interface Builder binding.
Defaults.OptionalKey<T>(_ key: String, suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Type: class
Create a key with an optional value.
Defaults.NSSecureCodingOptionalKey<T>(_ key: String, suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Type: class
Create a NSSecureCoding key with an optional value.
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: Defaults.Key<T>..., suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: [Defaults.Key<T>], suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: Defaults.OptionalKey<T>..., suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: [Defaults.OptionalKey<T>], suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: Defaults.NSSecureCodingKey<T>..., suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: [Defaults.NSSecureCodingKey<T>], suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: Defaults.NSSecureCodingOptionalKey<T>..., suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Defaults.reset<T: Codable>(_ keys: [Defaults.NSSecureCodingOptionalKey<T>], suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Type: func
Reset the given keys back to their default values.
Defaults.observe<T: Codable>(
_ key: Defaults.Key<T>,
options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .old, .new],
handler: @escaping (KeyChange<T>) -> Void
) -> DefaultsObservation
Defaults.observe<T: Codable>(
_ key: Defaults.NSSecureCodingKey<T>,
options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .old, .new],
handler: @escaping (NSSecureCodingKeyChange<T>) -> Void
) -> DefaultsObservation
Defaults.observe<T: Codable>(
_ key: Defaults.OptionalKey<T>,
options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .old, .new],
handler: @escaping (OptionalKeyChange<T>) -> Void
) -> DefaultsObservation
Defaults.observe<T: Codable>(
_ key: Defaults.NSSecureCodingOptionalKey<T>,
options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .old, .new],
handler: @escaping (NSSecureCodingOptionalKeyChange<T>) -> Void
) -> DefaultsObservation
Type: func
Observe changes to a key or an optional key.
By default, it will also trigger an initial event on creation. This can be useful for setting default values on controls. You can override this behavior with the options
Defaults.removeAll(suite: UserDefaults = .standard)
Type: func
Remove all entries from the UserDefaults
Type: protocol
Represents an observation of a defaults key.
Type: func
Invalidate the observation.
DefaultsObservation.tieToLifetime(of weaklyHeldObject: AnyObject) -> Self
Type: func
Keep the observation alive for as long as, and no longer than, another object exists.
When weaklyHeldObject
is deinitialized, the observation is invalidated automatically.
Type: func
Break the lifetime tie created by tieToLifetime(of:)
, if one exists.
The effects of any call to tieToLifetime(of:)
are reversed. Note however that if the tied-to object has already died, then the observation is already invalid and this method has no logical effect.
How is this different from SwiftyUserDefaults
It's inspired by that package and other solutions. The main difference is that this module doesn't hardcode the default values and comes with Codable support.
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