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Vert.x Spring-vertx Cluster

This project is a demo of exposing Spring-hosted service beans (and therefore Spring-wired services) via vert.x cluster. In vert.x 3 it’s perfectly possible to share an application context between multiple verticles.

In this demo we can see basic configuration required for creating vert.x cluster. This cluster is dependent on hazelecast for discovery though Zookeeper can also be used.

You can run it directly in your IDE by creating a run configuration that uses the main class io.vertx.examples.spring.SpringExampleRunner.

The pom.xml uses the Maven shade plugin to assemble the application and all it’s dependencies into a single "fat" jar.

To build a "fat jar"

mvn package

To run the fat jar:

java -jar target/vertx-cluster-3.2.1-fat.jar 8080

(You can take that jar and run it anywhere there is a Java 8+ JDK. It contains all the dependencies it needs so you don’t need to install Vert.x on the target machine).

Now point your browser at http://localhost:8080 to see a simple welcome page, and then http://localhost:8080/products to see the Spring-hosted service invoked via the vertx eventbus


A Vert.x Cluster application






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