You can find the original Project here:
A simple Django Rest Framework extension to add aggregation endpoints to your API.
Key features:
- count, sum, average, minimum, maximum
- grouping by multiple fields
- filtering and ordering
To install, use pip
pip install django-rest-aggregation
Inherit the AggregationMixin in your ViewSet.
from django_rest_aggregation.mixins import AggregationMixin
class BookViewSet(GenericViewSet, AggregationMixin):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
serializer_class = BookSerializer
Register the ViewSet in your
. The default aggregation endpoint is {base_url}/aggregation/.
router = DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'book', BookViewSet)
urlpatterns = [
path('', include(router.urls)),
# or
path('book/custom/endpoint/', BookViewSet.as_view({'get': 'aggregation'}))
Get the aggregation results by sending a GET request to the aggregation endpoint.
URL | What it does |
/book/aggregation/?aggregation=count |
Get the total number of books |
/book/aggregation/?aggregation=maximum&aggregation_field=price |
Get the most expensive book |
/book/aggregation/?aggregation=average&aggregation_field=rating&group_by=author |
Get the average rating grouped by author |
/book/aggregation/?aggregation=sum&aggregation_field=pages&group_by=author&value__gt=1000 |
Get the sum of all pages grouped by authors which are greater than 1000 |
query parameter | description | example |
aggregation | determines the type of aggregation | aggregation=sum |
aggregation_field | the field to aggregate on | aggregation_field=price |
group_by | the field on which the queryset is grouped | group_by=author |
value | the value to filter the queryset | value__gt=1000 |
class variable | description | example |
aggregation_name | changes the default value name | aggregation_name=foo |
aggregation_serializer_class | Sets a custom serializer for the queryset | aggregation_serializer_class=CustomSerializer |
aggregated_filtering_class | Sets a FilterSet Class for filtering the value field | aggregated_filtering_class=ValueFilter |
aggregated_filterset_fields | A shortcut for setting a value Filtersets | aggregated_filterset_fields=[lt, lte, gt] |
Available aggregations are:
- count
- sum
- average
- minimum
- maximum
They can be used by adding the mandatory aggregation parameter to the request URL.
The aggregation field is the field to aggregate on. It can be used by adding the aggregation_field parameter to the request URL. This is a mandatory parameter for the sum, average, minimum and maximum aggregations. Both model fields and annotated fields can be used.
You can also use the double underscore notation to aggregate on related model fields.
If the aggregation is sum or average, the aggregation field must be a numeric field. If the aggregation is min or max, the aggregation field must be date or numeric field.
Grouping is done by adding the group_by parameter to the request URL. Again, model fields and annotated fields can be used.
You can group throughout multiple model relations (ForeignKey & ManyToMany Fields) by using the double underscore notation.
To group by multiple fields, separate them with a comma.
To filter the queryset, you can use the standard Django Filter Backend. That implies:
filtering before aggregation
filtering after aggregation
combined filtering
To control which filtering options are available, you can use the aggregated_filtering_class class variable. This sets a custom FilterSet Class for filtering the value field.
class BookViewSet(GenericViewSet, AggregationMixin):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
serializer_class = BookSerializer
aggregated_filtering_class = ValueFilter
class ValueFilter(filters.FilterSet):
value__gte = filters.NumberFilter(field_name='test123', lookup_expr='gte')
value__lte = filters.NumberFilter(field_name='test123', lookup_expr='lte')
class Meta:
fields = ['test123__gte', 'test123__lte']
A shortcut for setting value Filtersets is the aggregated_filtering_fields class variable. This automatically creates a FilterSet class for filtering the value field.
class BookViewSet(GenericViewSet, AggregationMixin):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
serializer_class = BookSerializer
aggregated_filtering_fields = ['lt', 'lte', 'gt']
You can use 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte', 'exact' and __all__ as values for the aggregated_filtering_fields class variable.
Fields available for ordering the result are taken from the aggregated_ordering_fields
class BookViewSet(GenericViewSet, AggregationMixin):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
serializer_class = BookSerializer
aggregated_ordering_fields = ['value', 'grouped_by_field']
if this is not set available fields are taken from the usual ordering_fields
The reason for this behaviour is to accommodate interplay with the often used OrderingFilter
class BookViewSet(GenericViewSet, AggregationMixin):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
serializer_class = BookSerializer
ordering_fields = ['page_count', 'author']
If no ordering fields of any kind are specified or the list contains "__all__"
any passed ordering will be tried to be applied.
ordering_fields = __all__
is also possible.