A Snake game in Arduino UNO R4's LED matrix with a joystick controller
Read the detailed technical article here: medium.com/@siphyshu/i-made-th...
- Arduino UNO R4 WIFI
- Dual-Axis joystick controller
- 5 connecting wires
Connect Arduino R4's 5V, GND, A0, A1, and D2 to the PS2 Joystick module's 5V, GND, URX, URY, and SW respectively.

These are my ideas for the project, PRs are welcomed if anybody wants to work on these.
- This can be modified for any arduino connected with an LED Matrix, that can be explored
- See how a blinking head on the snake looks. Does it provide clearer visuals of the snake's direction?
- Adding an infinite AI playing mode could be fun and can be used as a screensaver playing in the background