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A completely overhauled provisioning interface for the NGCP system.


Build.PL - NGCP-Panel build system including test fixtures



$ perl ./Build
$ ./Build test --webdriver='phantomjs --webdriver=4444'
$ ./Build test --webdriver='java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar'
$ ./Build test --webdriver='chromedriver --url-base=wd/hub --port=4444'
$ ./Build test --webdriver=selenium-rc # from CPAN distro Alien-SeleniumRC
$ ./Build test --webdriver=external --wd-server=
$ ./Build test_tap --webdriver=external # outputs tap to tap/ folder
$ ./Build testcover --webdriver='phantomjs --webdriver=4444'


--webdriver COMMAND : (required) COMMAND to launch a webdriver external if the webdriver is launched externally

--wd-server HOST:PORT : HOST:PORT of the webdriver to which the tests should connect. Default is set by Test::WebDriver to localhost:4444.

--server URI : URI for the HTTP::Server::PSGI socket server run for testing, default http://localhost:5000.

--schema-base-dir DIR : If the NGCP::Schema is not installed to a known path to perl, this option can specify the base DIR of its development location. It will then be included via blib, so we have access to its lib and share.

--mysqld-port PORT : If this option and --mysqld-dir are supplied, a mysqld will be started at the specified PORT and be used for the tests. mysqld will be stopped and the temporary data deleted when this script finishes.

--mysql-dump : If this option and --mysqld-port are supplied, a mysqld will be started and be used for the tests. It will import all dumps supplied with this option. This option can be set multiple times. In this case all specified files will be dumped into the database.

--help : Print a brief help message and exits.

--man : Prints the manual page and exits.


Update strings from database:

$ script/

Regenerate messages.pot (use -v for verbose output):

$ --output=lib/NGCP/Panel/I18N/messages.pot --directory=lib/ --directory=share/templates/ --directory=share/layout -P perl=tt,pm

In case your language does not exist already:

$ msginit --input=lib/NGCP/Panel/I18N/messages.pot --output=lib/NGCP/Panel/I18N/$LANG.po --locale=$LANG

Update or create $LANG.po files:

$ msgmerge --update $LANG.po messages.pot