This project creates a module containing a sling servlet to handle custom url extensions, in this case .mobi.
The servlet extends SlingSafeMethodsServlet and handles GET requests. As the servlet is configured to listen to requests on resourceType sling/servlet/default, the servlet will be invoked for any requests with a .mobi extension. The servlet also sets a MIME type in the response to mobi to cater to a scenario where we are handling a custom response type.
This class is a helper function which queries the JCR with the given request path, retrives page information and formats the reponse as Response{ pageContent{ title: modifiedDate: data{ //child node information }
The code can be bundled as an osgi module and installed in a CQ5 environment. Once the servlet is registered , it will be invoked for any url such as localhost:4502/conntent/*.mobi