This project simulates a toy robot moving in a predefined square tabletop of 5 units/5 units with 0,0 as the start coordinates. The simulator program initialises the robot on the tabletop when it receives a PLACE X,Y,F command where X and Y are valid coordinates and F is the direction to which the robot will face. Other valid commands are MOVE, LEFT,RIGHT and REPORT. Other valid commands are ignored until the time a valid PLACE command is received.
The program requires java runtime 1.7 or above to run. It needs Maven version 2 or above to compile the source.
Download source code from To run the program, bring up command prompt and navigate to the target directory containing the executable (e.g. cd "location on the drive"\toyRobot-master\target).
java -jar toyRobot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies
The program executes until it receives a EXIT command(case sensitive).
To compile the source , please move to the location of the install.
cd "location on the drive"\toyRobot-master.
mvn clean install
This command cleans, compiles runs the tests and creates an executable jar file toyRobot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.
The tests can be run using the mvn test command.These junit tests use some static test data.
Enter a command, Valid commands are: PLACE X,Y,NORTH|SOUTH|EAST|WEST, MOVE, LEFT, RIGHT, REPORT or EXIT MOVE The Robot has not been placed on the board. Ignoring command PLACE 0,0,NORTH
Turned Left
0,1 WEST
The command is invalid
A command is not among PLACE,MOVE,LEFT,RIGHT,REPORT or EXIT : The command is invalid
The command tries to place or move the robot outside the 0,0,5,5 coordinates :The position of the robot is not valid as it is outside the board
The robot has not been placed on the board: The Robot has not been placed on the board. Ignoring command.
The direction is not NORTH,SOUTH,EAST or WEST :The direction is invalid.Please choose among NORTH,SOUTH,EASt,WEST.
Turning LEFT or RIGHT brings up : Turned Left,Turned Right
Succesful move brings up : Executed.