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Adaptive Stress Testing of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems


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Reinforcement Learning Encounter Simulator (RLES) for Collision Avoidance Systems

Author: Ritchie Lee (

RLESCAS is a Julia package for applying Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) to stress test collision avoidance systems, e.g., for near mid-air collisions (NMACs).


The software requires Julia v0.5 (tested on v0.5.1). Requires 64-bit Julia.

  • Pkg.clone("", "RLESCAS")
  • The CCAS package is installed automatically, but requires some additional setup. Follow the installation instructions on the wiki at
  • PGFPlots is installed automatically but may require some additional configuration. Follow the installation instructions on the package documentation In particular, you'll need lualatex, which is part of TexLive or MikTex distributions (TexLive is recommended). Note: if you use the config file method to execute, and do not require pdf and tex outputs, then you can skip installation of the visualization tools.
  • To be able to generate PDFs, you'll also need aircraftshapes.sty from Include it into your tex package system. For TexLive, put the file under ~/texmf/tex/latex/aircraftshapes/ (in Windows, the ~/ folder is C:/Users/username). For MikTex2.9 in Windows, put the aircraftshapes.sty file into "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\aircraftshapes" folder.
  • If you installed PGFPlots package, exit and restart julia, and type using PGFPlots to precompile the package.


  • AdaptiveStressTesting.jl - MCTS stress testing framework
  • RLES-SISLES.jl - Encounter simulator
  • CCAS.jl - a wrapper for libcas (ACAS X library)
  • RLESUtils.jl - a collection of support tools


###Method 1: Command-Line###

At a command prompt, navigate to $PKGDIR/RLESCAS/test and run julia ../src/mcts.jl config_2ac_quicktest.ini. The output will be placed under ./results.

This command can be run from anywhere as long as the relative paths to the files are correct. First argument is the mcts.jl file that is the main entry for command-line access. Second argument is the configuration file. See below for more details on the config file. Output directory is specified in config.

RLESCAS is able to parallelize computations. (This is the recommended way to run RLESCAS.) To use multiple processors, use the -p Julia option. e.g., To specify 4 cores, run julia -p 4 ../src/mcts.jl config_2ac_fulltest.ini

Sometimes it is useful to be able to execute from within Julia (e.g., better error messages when debugging). You can emulate the above command line call by navigating to $PKGDIR/RLESCAS/test and from within Julia run include("runtests.jl"). Edit runtests.jl with the desired config file.

###Method 2: Advanced###

The full RLESCAS environment is available for advanced users/developers. Type using RLESCAS in Julia. call include_visualize() to enable visualization routines (requires pgfplots.jl and tikzpictures.jl). Additional functions are available but may not be exported.

Config File


; This is a comment
number_of_aircraft = 2  
initial = ../encounters/initial.txt  ; Encounter initial conditions file (for 2 aircraft only)
transition = ../encounters/transition.txt  ; Encounter transitions file (for 2 aircraft only)
encounters = 1-2,5-6  ; Encounter numbers to run.  Uses dashes to denote ranges, and commas to separate ranges.
mcts_iterations = 10  ; Number of inner-loop iterations for MCTS.  Default 3000.  For testing, use 10.
encounter_model = LLCEMDBN ; LLCEMDBN=LLCEM init, StarDBN=Star init, HeadOnDBN=Head-on inits only, SideOnDBN=Perpendicular inits only 
encounter_equipage = EvE ; Aircraft equippage, EvE=Equipped vs equipped 
response_model = ICAO; pilot response model, ICAO=deterministic 5s-3s model
cas_model = CCAS; collision avoidance model, CCAS=libccas interface to libcas
dynamics_model = LLADM ; aircraft dynamics model LLADM=Lincoln Lab aircraft dynamics model
libcas = ../../CCAS/libcas0.8.6/lib/libcas.dll  ; libcas library
libcas_config = ../../CCAS/libcas0.8.6/parameters/0.8.5.standard.r13.xa.config.txt  ; libcas config file
output_filters = nmacs_only  ; If nmacs_only is specified, formats listed in "outputs" field are outputted only for nmac encounters.  Leave blank to output for all encounters.
outputs = tex, pdf, scripted, waypoints, label270_text, csv, summary  ; Output formats.  See description below
output_dir = ./results  ; output directory

Output Formats

pdf Visualization of the encounter in PDF format.

tex Same as pdf option, but in TEX format.

scripted Scripted encounter file (.dat) compatible with CSIM.

waypoints Waypoints encounter file (.dat) compatiable with CSIM.

label270_text Text file containing time and label 270 of RAs issued in the encounter.

csv Simulation log of all states in comma-separated values format.

summary Text file containing high-level info about the encounter, including reward, hmd, vmd, and whether an NMAC occurred.

JSON format

Deprecation warning: This JSON format will be deprecated in future versions in favor of a more standard format.

The JSON output file contains all the information from the run. All other file formats can be generated from the JSON . To save space, RLESCAS uses GZip to compress the JSON file to json.gz. RLESCAS can read and write either file type. Since JSON is in ASCII human-readable format, you could simply open it in a text editor to view or edit the contents.

The recommended method to interact with the JSON file is to use the advanced mode in RLESCAS.

Start Julia in $PKGDIR/RLESCAS/src and run:


d=trajLoad("trajSaveMCTS_ACASX_GM_1.json.gz") #substitute your json.gz filename

run_type indicates the type of study: "MCTS", "MCBEST" or "ENC"

sim_params contains the simulation parameters (e.g., number of aircraft, encounter file, libcas path, etc.)

mdp_params contains the mdp parameters (e.g., action_counter).

mcts_params contains the MCTS DPW parameters (e.g., iterations, k, alpha, etc.)

compute_info contains the compute details of the run (e.g., start time, compute time, machine name, etc.)


From here, you can browse the Dict directly, or the recommended way to interact, is by using the helpers in RLESCAS/src/helpers/save_helpers.jl. See Save Helpers section below.

sim_log contains all the simulation logs (those defined in define_log.jl)

  • "var_names" contains the variable names of each field.
  • "var_units" contains the units of the variables of each field (parallels var_names)
  • "run_info" gives information about the sim outcome
  • "CAS_info" logs the output string of libcas
  • "initial" gives the initial state of the aircraft
  • "action_seq" logs the action seeds of the final trajectory

Each of the following fields is a dictionary organized first by field, then by aircraft (if applicable) then by time. e.g., d["sim_log"]["ra"]["aircraft"]["1"]["time"]["5"], where in this example "ra" is the field, 1 is the aircraft number, and 5 is the time step.

  • "command" contains the pilot commands
  • "sensor" contains the sensor logs
  • "ra" contains the collision avoidance system info (simple)
  • "ra_detailed" contains the collision avoidance system info (detailed)
  • "wm" contains the world model states (e.g., time, positions, velocities)
  • "adm" contains the aircraft dynamic states
  • "response" contains the pilot response output

Tip: Use the json_to_csv converter to output all the fields and variables to a comma-separated file, and use summarize() to output a compact summary to a text file. trajPlot is useful for visualization of the output trajectory (with RAs and responses overlayed) and summary information is embedded in the caption.

Save Helpers

The recommended way to access sim_log variables is through save_helpers.jl instead of directly through the Dict. This allows the underlying Dict structure to be modified without impacting dependent functions.

  • sv_reward(d) to get the final reward

  • sv_nmac(d) to get whether an nmac occurred

  • sv_hmd(d) to get the horizontal miss distance

  • etc...

  • To lookup field names, use sv_simlog_names(...)

  • To lookup field units, use sv_simlog_units(...)

  • To get non-timestamped data, use sv_simlog_data(...)

  • To get time-stamped data, use sv_simlog_tdata(...)

  • The _vid versions lookup a specific variable (vid can be a variable name or the index into the array)

  • The _vid_f versions return variables converted to floats where possible (e.g., useful for passing to PGFPlots)


Adaptive Stress Testing of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems







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