This project serves as a starter template for prototyping applications using SIX Web Components. It is built with Angular and leverages Tailwind CSS to enable rapid application development and iteration.
Before starting, ensure that Node.js version 18.x or newer is installed. You can then start the project by executing the following commands:
git clone
cd six-webcomponents-prototyping
npm install
npm start
An example application will be available at: http://localhost:4200/
This starter project includes a pre-configured Tailwind CSS setup, which allows you to use predefined utility classes for colors, spacings, text sizes, shadows, and more. These utility classes should allow you to prototype quickly.
Although SIX Web Components do not typically require custom CSS, Tailwind's utility classes can be very useful for defining layouts (e.g., flexbox, grid) and creating custom components that complement SIX Web Components.
You can use most of the default utility classes from tailwind, like flex
, grid
, and so on, but colors and spacings
are restricted to the ones following to the SIX Styleguide.
Instead of numbers as used in the default tailwind config (e.g. p-2
), the spacings are defined using names like small
(sm), medium (md), etc. Examples: p-sm
, p-ms
. Your IDE should provide autocomplete suggestions for the available
options. For a full reference, see tailwind.config.js.
All colors specified in the SIX Web Components are available, such as text-rock-800
. For further details on available
colors, refer to tailwind.config.js.
Here’s an example demonstrating how to use utility classes to build an address form layout:
<form class="grid grid-cols-6 gap-md">
<six-input class="col-span-4" label="Street" />
<six-input class="col-span-2" label="House Number" />
<six-input class="col-span-6" label="P.O. Box" />
<six-input class="col-span-2" label="ZIP Code" required />
<six-input class="col-span-3" label="City" required />
<six-input class="col-span-1" label="Country" required />
This above code results in the following form layout:
This repository includes an example application located in app.component.html. The entire application is implemented within a single component, which is perfectly suitable—and even recommended—for prototyping purposes. However, avoid this for building production-level applications.